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Back to School is Right Around the Corner

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 8/10/21 11:49 AM

Summer fun is coming to an end soon, and kids will be heading back to school before you know it. Transitioning from a summer schedule to an organized school environment can take some adjustment. Sometimes it can be difficult for children and parents, so here are some things to keep in mind to make things run as smoothly as possible.

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Topics: nanny agency, nanny employment practices, nanny payroll tax, nanny job interview, childcare, nanny interview, nanny management, nanny job search

What is Unemployment Insurance?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 8/3/21 11:34 AM

If you recently hired a household employee, you know that you have employment tax obligations. One of those is to pay Federal and State Unemployment Insurance tax. This benefit program is confusing to most, so here we will break down some essential things to know about it.

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Topics: nanny w-2 form, household employee taxes, nanny undocumented, nanny unemployment insurance, nanny payroll, nanny benefits, W-4, pandemic

What Costs to Consider Before Hiring a Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/27/21 11:17 AM

Are you considering hiring a nanny? Maybe a senior caregiver for one of your aging parents? Finding and hiring an experienced household employee helps provide the extra hand you need. But don’t forget, you’ll need to factor in the cost of hiring someone to work in your home. Paying them ‘under the table’ is illegal. Here are some essential things to remember when paying your employee fair and legally.

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Topics: nanny unemployment insurance, hiring a nanny, nanny overtime, nanny paid time off, nanny mileage reimbursement, nanny tax compliance, caregiver, nanny vacation, agency

How to Prevent Senior Caregiver Burnout

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/20/21 11:05 AM

Being a senior caregiver requires a lot of love, compassion, and empathy. Caring for someone aging or ill takes time and emotion. If your caregiver is not making time for themselves, they may feel stressed, exhausted, and at risk of completely burning out. Here are some ways to help prevent burnout in your caregiver, so they can continue giving their best to your loved one. 

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Topics: eldercare, senior care, live-in caregiver, senior home care, Mental Health

What Expenses Can Be Reimbursed When Hiring a New Employee?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/13/21 10:36 AM

If you recently hired a household employee who lives out of town, there is a good chance you have discussed reimbursement for moving expenses. These costs can be a burden for employees, so employers often step in and help with the expenses or cover them completely. Here are some things to remember when it comes to paying for moving-related costs surrounding the hiring of your new employee.

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Topics: household employee, household employer, nanny expense reimbursement, household payroll literacy, nanny agency, household payroll, caregiver, IRS

Ways to Care for Yourself While Caring for Others

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/6/21 10:00 AM

Caring for others is a job requiring heart. Whether you are a senior caregiver, a nanny, or work in another type of caregiving role, you know how much you invest in your charges daily. Unfortunately, if you don't take care of your mental, physical, or emotional well-being, you may feel exhausted and drained. Here are some tips for self care while you care for others.

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Topics: eldercare, nanny retention, home health workers, nanny paid time off, caregiver, nanny vacation, senior home care

Using Your Tax Credit to Pay Your Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/29/21 10:00 AM

Starting July 15 and continuing through the end of 2021, many parents will be receiving a child tax credit as part of the American Rescue Plan. The tax credit is $3,600 for children younger than age six and $3,000 for those between six and seventeen. The payments are an ‘advance’ on 2021 taxes and will arrive in monthly installments on the 15th of every month. The total credit is available for married couples with children earning a combined $150,000 or less that file jointly or $75,000 for individuals. For people making more, the money will be reduced accordingly. Most people will get the funds through direct deposit into their bank account or how you filed your 2020 taxes.

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Topics: household employee, nanny employment practices, nanny payroll tax, nannies, nanny tax, nanny interview, nanny job search, CPA, IRS, kids

How to Talk to Your Aging Parents about Hiring a Caregiver

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/22/21 10:00 AM

Talking to your aging parents, a caregiver, can be a difficult and sometimes awkward conversation. Many elderly adults feel they are losing their independence or sense of freedom when told they need help, which sometimes causes them to be defensive or stubborn in refusing aid. Talking to your loved one about hiring a caregiver may be difficult at first, but it is often received better if coming from a place of love and empathy.

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Topics: eldercare, independent elder care hire, live-in caregiver, caregiver, Senior Caregiver Payroll, senior home care, senior home caregiver

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Household Employee

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/15/21 10:45 AM

Life is busy, and sometimes hiring household employees to help around the house is a necessity. If you are considering hiring a nanny, house cleaners, senior caregiver, personal chef, or some other type of experienced domestic employee, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

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Topics: housekeeper, nanny agency, hiring a nanny, nanny payroll, caregiver background screening, caregiver, senior home caregiver, domestic worker, agency, what to expect

Reasons to Hire a Qualified In-Home Senior Caregiver

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/8/21 10:27 AM

Assisted living centers and nursing homes are not the desirable choices for every senior. Many want to age in place in the comfort of the home they know. As your loved one ages, it can get complicated for them to do what they were once used to doing on their own. Some activities like cooking, dressing, and cleaning become unmanageable. Hiring in-home assistance for your loved one is an excellent option. However, it’s a decision that requires consideration. Here are some reasons to hire a qualified in-home senior caregiver. 

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Topics: senior caregivers, aging in place, eldercare, Senior Health guide, live-in caregiver, Senior Caregiver Payroll, senior home care

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