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Tips to Successfully Onboard Your Household Employee

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/30/24 11:17 AM

When you hire a new household employee, it's important to handle the process carefully and thoroughly. Whether you're welcoming a nanny, a senior caregiver, or a household chef, understanding the key steps can help ensure a smooth integration into your home and family life. Here are several essential considerations to remember as you begin this important journey.

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Topics: household employee taxes, caregiver payroll, household staffing agency, household employee, hiring a nanny, nanny employment practices, nanny payroll, nanny payroll tax, nannies, nanny tax, nanny employee, domestic employer legal responsibilities, household payroll, Hiring Elder care, hiring care for seniors, domestic worker, caregiver management

Why do good nannies and caregivers quit?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 8/8/17 4:17 PM

You’ve hired a nanny and you think she’s a perfect fit for your family. Great references and experience. You and your kids get along with her well and things are seemingly working out great. But then, she gives her notice. What went wrong? Maybe it’s not her, but it’s you. Here are some reasons why good nannies and caregivers often quit their jobs.

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Topics: nanny, nanny separation, nanny management, caregiver management, agency, senior

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