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How Hiring a Nanny Can Take the Load off Grandparents

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/20/20 7:00 AM

You have just welcomed a child into your family and amid all of the sleepless nights and new routines, joy and love abound. You are in awe of your precious baby and want only the best for your little one. Heading back to work once maternity or paternity leave is over means you will need a childcare plan in place.

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Topics: nanny communication, aging parents, nanny agency, hiring a nanny, nanny employee, child care

A Guide to Aging in Place [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/14/17 9:00 AM

Most seniors prefer to age in place, in the comfort of their own homes, instead of moving to a care facility. Follow this guide as you plan for yourself (or a loved one) to continue living at home through the golden years.

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Topics: aging in place, aging parents, senior care, caregiver, senior

When to take the keys from Mom? Difficult conversations in senior care.

Posted by Kathleen Webb on 6/5/14 8:55 AM

The Dr. Phil Show is no stranger to tackling contemporary relationship and mental health issues in a straight forward, no nonsense manner. This week a woman in the audience asked Dr. Phil "When is the right time to take Mom's car keys?"

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Topics: aging in place, aging parents, Alzheimer's

Ignorance is Bliss… No, Not Really! (A common senior care scenario)

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 6/3/14 8:25 AM

We took a difficult call recently from an adult daughter of an elderly couple who employed two senior caregivers. The Smiths live in New York

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Topics: eldercare, aging parents, senior care, payroll tax enforcement, nanny background screening

Household Payroll and the Sandwich Generation

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 4/24/14 4:39 PM

According to Merriam-Webster, "The Sandwich Generation" is defined as a generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children. I define The Sandwich Generation as 90% of my friends. The Sandwich Generation has very full plates between being successful professionals by day and stressed out parent and adult daughter/son by night.  Trying to keep all the balls in the air is challenging and can be draining.

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Topics: aging parents, senior care, hiring care for seniors

President Obama Responds To FLSA Rules; Spends a Day as a Home Aid

Posted by Kathleen Webb on 4/10/14 9:30 AM

In a triumphant win for labor unions and worker advocacy groups, the Obama administration made sweeping reform in mandating that home health workers, personal care aides and certified nursing assistants who provide care to the elderly be paid minimum wage and overtime. While it may affect the bottom line for families of aging relatives, over half of senior care givers were living at or below the poverty line.

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Topics: elder care, aging parents, Alzheimer's, obamacare, home health workers, legal employees, documented employees, caregiver, Hiring Elder care

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