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Nanny Shares- What You Need to Know to Be Successful

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/23/24 10:07 AM

At HomeWork Solutions, we understand the unique needs and benefits of a nanny-share arrangement. It's a fantastic way for families to access dependable childcare cost-effectively. By sharing a nanny, the children enjoy companionship, and the families involved benefit from a more affordable childcare solution. The nanny, in turn, often receives a higher rate than they would with a single family, creating a win-win scenario for all as long as communication and parameters are clearly established.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny savings, hiring a nanny, childcare, employment compliance

Parental Leave for Household Employees

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/19/22 11:00 AM

When you find an amazing nanny, who is not only reliable, but aces the job every day, it is easy to lose sight of their life outside of work. Through casual conversation, your nanny may, or may not, have indicated their plans to grow their own family one day.  When that day comes, and your ace lets you know they want to take parental leave, you need to understand parental leave laws, so you can be a great employer to your amazing nanny.

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Topics: nanny savings, nanny tax, agency, senior, CPA

Helping your nanny save for retirement

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/10/14 8:29 AM

The new 2014 Employee Benefit Research Institute survey found that 57 percent of workers have less than $25,000 in total household savings and investments. Two-thirds (68 percent) of those with annual household income of less than $35,000 report less than $1,000 in household savings.

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Topics: nanny retirement, nanny savings

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