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Why CPAs Should Engage Clients on Caregiving Needs

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/13/24 7:07 PM

As the Baby Boomer generation ages, a growing number of them face decisions around long-term care needs for themselves or their parents. This presents an opportunity for CPAs to have important family wealth-planning conversations. By proactively discussing potential home caregiver requirements, you can position your firm as a trusted advisor while identifying clients who may need support transferring assets or updating estate plans.

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Topics: senior caregivers, accountants, CPA

Resume Building: Tips on Crafting a Standout Nanny Resume

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/8/23 1:11 PM

The pandemic, the great resignation, and now talk of a recession.  The job market has been anything but predictable as of late. If you are thinking of changing jobs, or are concerned about the stability of your employment, having an updated resume on hand is a good idea. Crafting a resume that stands out can give you a leg up to land the nanny job that is perfect for your skills and expertise.

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Topics: senior caregivers, nanny, agency

The Dangers of Underreporting Wages

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/13/23 2:24 PM

If you have recently hired a new employee to work in your home, it’s important to get their payroll details lined up immediately. Deciding to pay them partially off the books to save on taxes, but partially on record to contribute to their work history, is illegal and you’ll only create a headache for yourself later when the full picture comes to light. Here, we’ll explain why.

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Topics: senior caregivers, senior care, nanny, senior

Reasons to Hire a Qualified In-Home Senior Caregiver

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/8/21 10:27 AM

Assisted living centers and nursing homes are not the desirable choices for every senior. Many want to age in place in the comfort of the home they know. As your loved one ages, it can get complicated for them to do what they were once used to doing on their own. Some activities like cooking, dressing, and cleaning become unmanageable. Hiring in-home assistance for your loved one is an excellent option. However, it’s a decision that requires consideration. Here are some reasons to hire a qualified in-home senior caregiver. 

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Topics: senior caregivers, aging in place, eldercare, Senior Health guide, live-in caregiver, Senior Caregiver Payroll, senior home care

How to Help Seniors Cope with the Coronavirus

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 1/26/21 10:50 AM

The pandemic has impacted everyone at some level and continues to do so. Whether it’s knowing someone who had it or experiencing it yourself, COVID-19 has had far reaching effects. The pandemic has gone on longer than many anticipated and people of all kinds – especially seniors – are feeling scared, disengaged, lonely, or anxious.

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Topics: senior caregivers, senior care, caregiver

Benefits of Hiring an Adult Caregiver

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/29/20 4:40 PM

As your loved one starts to age, it is important to determine what type of care for them is best. Nursing homes or assisted living centers are not meant for everyone. Many seniors and their families want to be in the comfort of their own homes if possible. Getting dressed, managing medications, cooking, and cleaning the home can get harder and harder and for scenarios like this, hiring an in-home caregiver is a great option. If you are considering finding an adult caregiver to work in your loved one’s home, here are some benefits.

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Topics: senior caregivers, aging in place, eldercare, caregiver, Hiring Elder care, senior home care, senior home caregiver, agency, COVID-19

Myths About Senior Caregiver Payroll

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/18/16 8:00 AM

If you’re thinking about hiring a senior caregiver this year, it’s crucial to do your research and be sure you know how to go about it – especially when it comes to payroll. There is a lot of misinformation online that can be confusing for families. Here, we’ll break down myths versus facts so you know exactly how to pay your caregiver fairly while withholding proper taxes.

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Topics: senior caregivers, senior home care

How Likely is an Impaired Senior to Wander?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 8/30/16 8:00 AM

We often hear of impaired seniors “wandering off” but the stereotype can be far too general, and often linked to a disease like Alzheimer’s after it has been diagnosed. However, there are warning signs of this disease or dementia that you should be aware of so you can help keep your loved one safe without limiting their independence. Here, we provide helpful tips on caring for an aging loved one who is showing signs of being confused, forgetful, or disoriented.

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Topics: senior caregivers, eldercare

Senior caregivers more economical than family caregivers?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/21/15 3:30 PM

Think you are saving money by taking time off of work to care for your elderly relative? A new study by Rand Corporation, one of the leading independent health policy research programs, investigated the cost of informal caregiving of the elderly by friends and relatives. The cost is calculated by the valuing the hours family caregivers give up in order to provide care (in the US, this comes to 30 billion hours annually).

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Topics: senior caregivers, hiring care for seniors, senior home care

3 Tips for Starting the Conversation on Senior Home Care

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/30/15 4:00 PM

Talking to our loved ones about the possibility of senior home care can be one heck of an uncomfortable conversation. Your aging mom or dad wants to age in place, and you want to help them achieve that goal safely.

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Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, senior home care

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