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Unintended Consequences of Off-the-Books Payments: A Client's Story

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/4/24 12:52 PM

When Mike and Joyce welcomed Mike’s mother into their home following the loss of her husband, they also hired a part-time caregiver to assist with some of her daily needs. Opting for simplicity in a challenging time and not realizing there were employment obligations, they agreed to a $500 weekly payment off the books—a decision that seemed mutually beneficial at the outset. The caregiver proved invaluable over the nearly three years she worked with them, parting ways amicably when Mike’s mother transitioned to a nursing facility.

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Topics: aging in place, eldercare, Hiring Elder care, hiring care for seniors, Senior Caregiver Payroll

Tips to Successfully Onboard Your Household Employee

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/30/24 11:17 AM

When you hire a new household employee, it's important to handle the process carefully and thoroughly. Whether you're welcoming a nanny, a senior caregiver, or a household chef, understanding the key steps can help ensure a smooth integration into your home and family life. Here are several essential considerations to remember as you begin this important journey.

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Topics: household employee taxes, caregiver payroll, household staffing agency, household employee, hiring a nanny, nanny employment practices, nanny payroll, nanny payroll tax, nannies, nanny tax, nanny employee, domestic employer legal responsibilities, household payroll, Hiring Elder care, hiring care for seniors, domestic worker, caregiver management

In-Home Care or Assisted Living: Which One is Right for Your Loved One?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/16/21 12:15 PM

Seeing your parents age is never an easy process. Mobility and independence may start to decrease and decisions on who will help take care of them will need to be made. Assisted living and in-home care are two of the main possibilities, and many times in-home care is the most desirable choice. There may be cost advantages, and you can get the personalized attention your parents may need in a location that keeps them comfortable.

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Topics: assisted living, hiring care for seniors, senior home caregiver, senior

Hiring Help for Mom

Posted by Kathy Webb on 5/30/17 4:22 PM

My mom is 87 years old. I am blessed to still have her in my life. You won't be surprised to learn that her health is not good. She suffers from dementia, and a host of other age related conditions. She is ambulatory and decidedly wants to stay in her apartment, and when the time comes die at home. She may not get her heart's desire, however my dad, siblings and I are determined to do all that is practical to make this happen. This is the rare post that I am writing in first person based on my own experiences, experience that when shared with friends are met with an amazing number of "Oh my gosh, me too!"

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Topics: Hiring Elder care, hiring care for seniors

Considering Hiring a Senior Caregiver in 2016?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 9/13/16 8:00 AM

Nursing homes and assisted living centers aren’t for every senior. Many seniors want to age in the comfort of their own home, but after time goes by, it’s clear that in order to do this, in-home help is necessary. When your loved one enters into the elderly stage of life, sometimes things that were once simple like getting dressed, moving around, cooking, and cleaning become very difficult. But, opening up the home and entrusting your loved one to a caregiver is a big step and one that should be undertaken with caution and research.

Here are some important must-knows about hiring a senior caregiver.

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Topics: hiring care for seniors

Senior caregivers more economical than family caregivers?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/21/15 3:30 PM

Think you are saving money by taking time off of work to care for your elderly relative? A new study by Rand Corporation, one of the leading independent health policy research programs, investigated the cost of informal caregiving of the elderly by friends and relatives. The cost is calculated by the valuing the hours family caregivers give up in order to provide care (in the US, this comes to 30 billion hours annually).

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Topics: senior caregivers, hiring care for seniors, senior home care

Cost of Senior Home Care

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/19/15 1:30 PM

Do you have a aging loved one who may need senior care while you go to work every day? Are you feeling overwhelmed with your caregiving responsibilities?

More families are considering the possibility of privately hiring senior home care for someone it their family as a way to help their loved ones age in place in a safe and happy environment. This is uncharted territory for most people, and adult children who may have hired nannies to care for their children years ago wonder what they need to consider when hiring  senior home care assistance.

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Topics: senior caregivers, Hiring Elder care, hiring care for seniors

Household Payroll and the Sandwich Generation

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 4/24/14 4:39 PM

According to Merriam-Webster, "The Sandwich Generation" is defined as a generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children. I define The Sandwich Generation as 90% of my friends. The Sandwich Generation has very full plates between being successful professionals by day and stressed out parent and adult daughter/son by night.  Trying to keep all the balls in the air is challenging and can be draining.

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Topics: aging parents, senior care, hiring care for seniors

Planning Your Parents' Future: Advice For Adult Children on Eldercare

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/28/14 9:30 AM

Let’s face it: sitting your aging parents down to talk about their finances is about as comfortable as talking to them about sex (eons ago, they probably felt the same way you do right now!) But just as it was back then, the conversation- though difficult- is imperative to your future decision making.

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Topics: elder care, aging in place, eldercare, senior care, hiring care for seniors, senior home care

Aging In Place: A Forbes Report on Senior Home Care

Posted by Vanessa Vidal, FPC on 3/6/14 9:30 AM
The Department of Labor extended minimum wage and overtime rules to most home care workers who aid the elderly, and the media is running to provide perspective on caring for aging Americans.  The new rules, which go into effect Jan. 1, 2015, change how the companionship exemption to minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act works.  Ashlea Ebeling of Forbes recently published a comprehensive article on this matter called, “Hiring Help For Aging Parents? Read This First. If you’re fortunate enough to have parents living into their golden years, there will inevitably come a time when you notice that everyday tasks become everyday obstacles, and getting reliable, affordable and caring help becomes the holy grail. 
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Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, overtime rules, household payroll tax, hiring care for seniors

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