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Navigating Nanny Shares: Tips for a Smooth Experience

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/10/24 2:55 PM

Nanny sharing is a popular solution for families balancing quality childcare with budget constraints. This arrangement allows one nanny to care for children of more than one family simultaneously. This arrangement offers social benefits for the children and financial savings for the parents. At the same time, the nanny generally makes a slightly higher hourly wage. However, as beneficial as nanny sharing can be, it also comes with challenges. Let's explore some common issues in nanny-share situations and provide practical solutions to ensure a smooth experience for everyone involved.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny, household payroll, homework solutions, childcare solutions

Nanny Shares- What You Need to Know to Be Successful

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/23/24 10:07 AM

At HomeWork Solutions, we understand the unique needs and benefits of a nanny-share arrangement. It's a fantastic way for families to access dependable childcare cost-effectively. By sharing a nanny, the children enjoy companionship, and the families involved benefit from a more affordable childcare solution. The nanny, in turn, often receives a higher rate than they would with a single family, creating a win-win scenario for all as long as communication and parameters are clearly established.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny savings, hiring a nanny, childcare, employment compliance

Nanny Share: How to Make It Work for Your Family

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/9/23 1:04 PM


If hiring a full-time nanny is not in your budget, a nanny share can be a great solution. Nanny shares are commonly used for working families in need  of reliable childcare but looking to keep the costs down.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny, agency, child care

"Surprise! We Hired a Nanny."

Posted by Jay Schulze on 11/17/20 10:28 AM

The 2020 tax season approaches and more of your clients are hiring nannies and caregivers than ever before. Night nurses for newborns, senior caregivers for mom or dad, and now private educators for students doing school remotely- all present “nanny tax” issues for you and your clients.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny agency, nanny payroll, nannies, nanny tax, nanny tax compliance, household payroll, caregiver, COVID-19, private educator

How Parents and Nannies Can Work Together to Help Kids with Distance Learning

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/13/20 7:00 AM

Around the country, the beginning of the school year is starting out differently. Distance learning is the new norm for many states and counties and that means kids and parents are juggling a lot. But there is good news! There are options. The first one: parents can utilize the services of a nanny or a learning pod to help provide the support and quality education that kids deserve this year. Here’s how.  

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Topics: nanny share, household employee, household employer, nanny agency, home health workers, senior home care, nanny sal, childcare, employment compliance, private educator

Childcare and Education in the COVID-19 Era

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/21/20 3:00 PM
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Topics: nanny share, nanny, agency, Tutor, Teacher, private educator

How to Set Up a Nanny-Share [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/13/16 9:00 AM

Child care can be extremely costly. One of the best ways to provide personalized small group care and save money on child care without cutting corners is start up a nanny-share with another family.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny

Top 5 Problems in a Nanny Share and How to Solve Them

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 9/6/16 8:00 AM

Nanny sharing is a common situation that allows one nanny to care for the children in multiple families. The families will literally share the nanny and it can be a good option for families on a budget. It’s also a good way for your kids to socialize with other kids in a home setting that is safe and familiar. While there are a lot of proven benefits to nanny sharing, there are also some problems that can happen. Here are some of the most common issues you’ll run into with a nanny share situation and some tips on how to solve them.

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Topics: nanny share

Organizing a Nanny Share

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 9/10/15 3:58 PM

As if hiring someone to care for our children isn't complicated enough, sometimes our childcare needs simply don't warrant a full time caregiver or our budget doesn't stretch to employing a dedicated nanny. But still:  having a committed full time person has extraordinary benefits.  What to do?

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Topics: nanny share

Nannies, Understand Your Pay Check

Posted by Vanessa Vidal, FPC on 10/23/12 6:14 PM

Many employees are not aware of what is being deducted from their paycheck. Household employees in particular (nannies, housekeepers, elder caregivers etc.) often are paid by personal check, do not have a pay stub, and work with families who themselves are not familiar with payroll and employment taxes.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny payroll tax, calculate nanny payroll tax

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