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Let’s Give it a Try – What You Need to Know About Trial Periods

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/8/24 1:07 PM

Introducing a caregiver into your home is a significant step. That's why many families and caregivers agree to a trial period at the outset of their working relationship. This period, which can last from a few hours to several days, allows both parties to get to know each other better and decide if the arrangement will work for the long term. However, it’s important to remember that even during this initial stage, a caregiver is considered an employee, and all labor laws apply from the moment they step into your home.

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Topics: hiring a nanny, interview a nanny, Hiring Elder care, interviewing elder care applicants, temporary household worker, employment compliance

Hiring Your First Nanny: Tips for a Perfect Fit

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/10/24 9:13 AM

Embracing the journey of hiring your first nanny can be smooth and rewarding with the right approach. A little preparation and planning will pay off in dividends, by saving you time, and frustration, and possibly even preventing a failed first hire.

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Topics: interview a nanny

The Role of Character in the Nanny Hire

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/11/17 4:10 PM

Peter Schutz, motivational speaker and the former CEO of Porsche, famously opined “Hire character, train skill.” In the business world it is easy to understand this philosophy. Character is ingrained, you can and should train specific skills. How does the role of character translate into the nanny hire?

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Topics: hiring a nanny, interview a nanny, nanny interview

Top 5 Interview Questions To Ask Your Potential Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/26/16 7:00 AM


Hiring a nanny is one of the most important things you will ever do and making sure you hire the right person is an incredibly big decision. Here are some of the top interview questions that you should ask a prospective nanny, and if you listen carefully for thoughtful and complete answers, you’ll likely come away with a good idea of who the person is and if they are a good fit for your family. Here are the top 5 childcare job interview questions.

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Topics: interview a nanny

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/9/14 9:14 AM

New parents often envision that hiring a nanny will be the magic bullet that solves their childcare challenges. Hiring the nanny itself, however, is an activity fraught with worry, stress, and the fear of actually hiring the wrong nanny. Here we offer parents a short list of common mistakes families make when hiring a nanny, and tips to avoid them. Let HWS help you make your experience hiring a nanny simpler and worry free.

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Topics: hiring a nanny, interview a nanny

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