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Paid 'Under the Table' - Can I Still Receive Social Security?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/11/24 9:45 AM

If you've worked as a household employee and received your pay 'under the table,' you might wonder about your eligibility for Social Security benefits when you retire. The answer is not straightforward and depends significantly on your marital status, work history, and how your income was reported.

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Topics: eldercare, nanny retirement, W-2, nanny, caregiver, Senior Caregiver Payroll, senior home caregiver, domestic worker, childcare

Nanny Shares- What You Need to Know to Be Successful

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/23/24 10:07 AM

At HomeWork Solutions, we understand the unique needs and benefits of a nanny-share arrangement. It's a fantastic way for families to access dependable childcare cost-effectively. By sharing a nanny, the children enjoy companionship, and the families involved benefit from a more affordable childcare solution. The nanny, in turn, often receives a higher rate than they would with a single family, creating a win-win scenario for all as long as communication and parameters are clearly established.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny savings, hiring a nanny, childcare, employment compliance

Our Nanny is Leaving, What Now?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/23/24 3:41 PM

When your nanny decides to leave, whether the parting is mutual or unexpected, it can be an emotional and complicated time for everyone involved. Here are some important steps to consider to ensure a smooth transition and to maintain a positive relationship through the change:

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Topics: caregiver payroll, household employee, household employer, hiring a nanny, nanny employment practices, nanny taxes, nanny employee, nanny return of family property, household payroll, nanny employment termination, nanny separation, caregiver, domestic worker, childcare, child care

Why Paying Half Off the Books is Never a Good Idea

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/18/24 10:32 AM

Navigating the complexities of payroll and taxes is more than just a bureaucratic task; it's a commitment to fairness and integrity. Let’s take a look at the importance of transparent wage reporting, the ethical considerations of payroll management, the financial risks of non-compliance, and the broader implications on your nanny's welfare.

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Topics: household employee, hiring a nanny, childcare, child care

Dependent Care Child Tax Credit

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/12/22 3:36 PM
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Topics: nanny, nanny tax, childcare, agency, senior, CPA

Summer Nanny Taxes

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/7/22 11:00 AM

While kids of all ages are dreaming about summer break, parents may be feeling a sense of panic as they scramble to find childcare and activities for the summer. If you are planning to hire a summer nanny, it is important to remember that you have responsibilities as an employer.

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Topics: payroll, nanny, nanny tax, nanny tax compliance, childcare, agency, CPA, taxes

Back to School is Right Around the Corner

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 8/10/21 11:49 AM

Summer fun is coming to an end soon, and kids will be heading back to school before you know it. Transitioning from a summer schedule to an organized school environment can take some adjustment. Sometimes it can be difficult for children and parents, so here are some things to keep in mind to make things run as smoothly as possible.

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Topics: nanny agency, nanny employment practices, nanny payroll tax, nanny job interview, childcare, nanny interview, nanny management, nanny job search

Planning Tips  for Summer Childcare Help

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/18/21 3:56 PM

Before you know it, school will be out, and schedules will change. Some parents may need to continue working – either from home or at the office – and will need an extra hand with the kids. A summer or long-term temporary nanny may be the perfect solution. Thankfully, there are various highly experienced nannies looking for work this summer. Many can help with planning outdoor outings, park play dates, or continued learning during the summer. Now is the time to find a nanny to work in your home

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Topics: nanny summer schedule, summer nanny, nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, childcare

Why You Should Never Evade Nanny Taxes

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/2/21 11:09 AM

Hiring a household employee is a personal decision that requires a lot of consideration. Whether it’s a housekeeper, a nanny, or senior caregiver, hiring an experienced worker in your home is important. Did you know that as soon as you hire someone ,you become a household employer? That means you will need to pay them as an employee – not off the books. Here’s why you should never evade “nanny taxes.”

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Topics: nanny tax audit, nanny payroll tax, household payroll, childcare, employment compliance

How Parents and Nannies Can Work Together to Help Kids with Distance Learning

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/13/20 7:00 AM

Around the country, the beginning of the school year is starting out differently. Distance learning is the new norm for many states and counties and that means kids and parents are juggling a lot. But there is good news! There are options. The first one: parents can utilize the services of a nanny or a learning pod to help provide the support and quality education that kids deserve this year. Here’s how.  

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Topics: nanny share, household employee, household employer, nanny agency, home health workers, senior home care, nanny sal, childcare, employment compliance, private educator

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