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What Benefits Should I Offer My Nanny?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/1/21 10:00 AM

Are you considering hiring a nanny? As a household employer, paying your nanny a fair wage is essential. While you may not be required to offer paid vacation, health insurance, paid sick time, or retirement savings plans, offering some benefits is important. Benefits can help you attract and retain the best nannies in the industry. In addition, it helps your nanny avoid exhaustion or burnout. So, while you are considering your nanny's employment details, make sure you think seriously about what it takes to provide a good benefits package. 

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Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny, nanny payroll tax, nanny health insurance, nanny benefits, household payroll

Do I Need to Pay Taxes for My Summer Nanny?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/25/21 10:00 AM

Summer is right around the corner, and kids are dreaming of their extended vacations. Unfortunately, many parents don't get the same amount of time off from their work responsibilities. Will you need an extra hand with the kids this summer?

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Topics: household employee, nanny summer schedule, nanny agency, nanny payroll, nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, nanny wage, household payroll, temporary nanny, nanny job search

Planning Tips  for Summer Childcare Help

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/18/21 3:56 PM

Before you know it, school will be out, and schedules will change. Some parents may need to continue working – either from home or at the office – and will need an extra hand with the kids. A summer or long-term temporary nanny may be the perfect solution. Thankfully, there are various highly experienced nannies looking for work this summer. Many can help with planning outdoor outings, park play dates, or continued learning during the summer. Now is the time to find a nanny to work in your home

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Topics: nanny summer schedule, summer nanny, nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, childcare

Reasons to Hire a Summer Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/13/21 10:13 AM

Are you thinking ahead to summer? Before you know it, your kids will be out of school for an extended time. Between summer camps, vacations, and outside playdates, there will be many different activities to fill up the free time. Hiring a summer nanny provides a helping hand, minimizing the stress associated with disrupting your daily school routines. Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring a nanny this summer.  

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Topics: household employee background check, household employee taxes, household staffing agency, nanny summer schedule, summer nanny, nanny tax compliance, agency

New W4 for 2021: What You Need to Know to Get it Done Right

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/11/21 1:11 PM

New W4 for 2021: What You Need to Know to Get it Done Right

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Topics: filing taxes, tax return, W-4, W4, IRS, taxes, 2021 taxes

Reference Checks & Background Screening: Should You Do Both?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/4/21 9:30 AM

If you plan on hiring an employee to work in your home, it’s essential to know who you’re hiring. Background and reference checks can give you confidence that their criminal and personal history are free and clear of anything alarming. Our HomeWork Solutions experts have worked with thousands of clients over the years, and we recommend reference checks and background screenings for anyone regularly working inside your home. 

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Topics: caregiver, nanny reference check, senior home caregiver, outsource nanny payroll, domestic worker, agency, what to expect, employment compliance

Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Long-Term Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/27/21 8:00 AM

Whether you're a mom, dad, grandparent , or guardian, the children in your life are some of your greatest treasures. Finding the right person to love and care for them is significant and hiring a qualified nanny to work in your home requires some research. Here are some of the most important things you should know before hiring a long-term nanny.  

#1: Know what you need.

Every family is unique, which means your childcare needs will be unique too. Understand your family's needs and make a list of expected duties and responsibilities you want a nanny to have. Then, think about the qualities you're looking for in a nanny. Do you want someone young and energetic that may be just starting their nanny career? Maybe you would be more comfortable with someone experience, who has worked with multiple families during their career. Know what you're looking for, and let that help guide your search.  

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Topics: household employee taxes, nanny agency, summer nanny, nanny payroll tax, nannies, nanny tax compliance, outsource nanny payroll, domestic worker

Should I Outsource My Household Employee's Payroll?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/20/21 10:00 AM

At HomeWork Solutions, we understand household payroll and tax preparation can be complicated. With tax laws changing regularly, it can be challenging to stay up to date on everything. Outsourcing will save you time and the headache of researching what has changed and what hasn't. You won't need to worry about making a mistake with deductions, either. Your household payroll specialist is skilled in each part of the process, navigating everything for you—the result: payroll and tax preparations are seamless.  

If you've recently hired a household employee like a nanny or senior caregiver, and you don't have the time to manage payroll and tax deductions for your household employee, consider outsourcing the work to a qualified payroll and tax provider like HomeWork Solutions. That way, you and your employee are compliant, and you can rest easy knowing all the details are handled.

If you needed more of an incentive to start paying your household employees on the books, The American Rescue Plan Act is now in place for additional financial help, providing families with even more tax credits. It's never been easier to do the right thing and pay your employee's taxes accurately and on time. 

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Topics: household employee, nanny payroll tax, nanny tax compliance, caregiver, senior home caregiver, outsource nanny payroll, agency

Understanding Domestic Employee Overtime

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/13/21 10:32 AM

We get many questions surrounding overtime for domestic employees. Most of the time, household employees work 40 hours a week or less. However, when your employee works extra hours, you will need to be prepared to pay for overtime. Not sure how to accurately calculate the overtime for these longer shifts? We can help.  

It might seem easier to agree to pay your employee a weekly salary to avoid overtime. Some might try to average bi-weekly payments to help make up for uneven work schedules. This could cause problems in a wage dispute because it goes against Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rules.  

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Topics: overtime rules, nanny payroll tax, nanny overtime, nanny tax calculator

Top 3 to-do’s After Hiring Your Household Employee

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/6/21 10:23 AM

Hiring a senior caregiver, a nanny, or a housekeeper who regularly works in your home is a personal decision. It takes time to find the right person to fit your family's unique needs, so once you've found that person, it's essential to get things started on the right foot. Here are three of the most important things to do immediately upon hiring your new domestic employee.

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Topics: household employee taxes, household employee, nanny payroll tax, nanny work agreement, nanny tax compliance, caregiver, nanny management

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