Be specific and avoid misunderstanding
Think about the conflicts you encounter in everyday life, and you’ll recognize the role of details in smooth operations and peaceful negotiations. This is the foundation of a senior home care work agreement.
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Think about the conflicts you encounter in everyday life, and you’ll recognize the role of details in smooth operations and peaceful negotiations. This is the foundation of a senior home care work agreement.
Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, companionship services, senior home care
HWS client care specialists field inquiries about worker classification - whether a household worker is an employee or an independent contractor - all the time. Families call questioning whether they can treat their household employee as an independent contractor, provide them a 1099 Form instead of a W-2, and avoid the entire issue of payroll taxes.
Topics: worker misclassification independent contractor, 1099 v w-2, nanny independent contractor, household independent contractor
Employment law, wage and hour law, and payroll tax requirements for privately employed senior caregivers are governed by a complex assortment of Federal and state rules and legislation. The scope of duties is used on the Federal level to distinguish companionship care - exempt from Federal minimum wage and overtime protections - from other domestic services that do enjoy FLSA protections.
Topics: companionship services, companionship exemption, senior home care, senior home-care workers
The US Department of Labor on September 17, 2013 issued revised rules within the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that codify recordkeeping requirements of employers with live in domestic service workers. The revised rules closely mirror the recordkeeping advice that HomeWork Solutions gives all household employers. Good recordkeeping is not just the law; it also protects the household employer from unpaid wage claims.
Topics: live-in nanny, live-in caregiver, payroll recordkeeping
Your first step is to do a needs assessment. The more specifically you can identify your senior’s needs – physical, medical and emotional – the better equipped you will be to define a job description for an in-home senior care professional.
Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, companionship services
Topics: nanny staffing agency, nanny employee, nanny job interview
Most older Americans have been driving since they were teenagers and want to retain the independence that comes with being at the wheel. Growing older does not necessarily mean a driver is less capable; in fact, years of driving experience may make them a more conscientious driver. But changes that occur as we age, even for those who are in very good health, may affect a senior’s ability to be a fully safe driver.
Topics: elder care, senior safety, seniors and driving, elderly drivers, Hiring Elder care
As more and more senior are opting to "age in place", the direct hiring of senior caregivers are being sought out by family members. Families have questions about minimum wage, overtime and questions about what constitutes payable hours during the care day. Often, they are not aware of the tax obligations of employing a household employee.
Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, companionship services, companionship exemption
Welcome to the social media era, where our friends are called "contacts", our thoughts "comments" and experiences "posts" …
Topics: nanny employment practices, time tracking, nanny
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