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2018 Household Employment Year End Roundup

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/18/18 3:50 PM

Every year HomeWork Solutions prepares a "what's new or changed" roundup of household employment tax laws and benefit information.


The IRS annually reviews, and adjusts as necessary, the wage payment threshold that obligates a family to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes and issue employees W-2 forms. This threshold remains at $2100 of wages in a year for 2019.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Six Tools that Should Be in Every Modern CPA’s Tech Stack

Posted by TechnologyAdvice on 12/13/18 10:00 AM

This is a community post provided by TechnologyAdvice

To say that the life of a modern CPA is a busy one would be an understatement. Whether you work for a firm or have your own business, your workday is likely pulled in many directions. You are faced managing your own time and workload, along with balancing the conflicting attention needs of immediate problem solving with deep-cycle planning and strategy for your business or those of your clients. Fortunately, you’ve got a massive number of apps and services that can help keep your head above water.

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Topics: CPA

Childcare Planning for Weather Emergencies

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/11/18 3:36 PM

You live an active lifestyle and sometimes weather emergencies throw you for a loop. No one likes to be inconvenienced and when it comes to weather issues, it can be stressful and frustrating – especially if it means that your nanny or caregiver cannot come to work. Whether it’s a tropical storm or a pileup of snow overnight, if you plan ahead for weather emergencies, you can minimize the headache. Here are some tips that can help.

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Topics: nanny, agency

529 Plans Offer Two Tax-Advantaged Education Funding Options

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/6/18 10:00 AM

Section 529 plans are a popular education-funding tool because of tax and other benefits. Two types are available: 1) prepaid tuition plans, and 2) savings plans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made one of these plans even better.

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Topics: CPA

Can a Weekly Housekeeper Change My Life?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/4/18 3:50 PM

The laundry is piling up, the dust bunnies are accumulating around the house, you have 2 soccer games to be at this weekend with your kids, and all you can think about is the mound of dishes in the sink that needs to be tackled. Life gets busy and sometimes it is so busy that we just don’t have the time to do what we need to do to keep on top of housecleaning. So you might be asking yourself, "Should I get a housekeeper?"

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior

Businesses Aren’t Immune to Tax Identity Theft

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/29/18 10:00 AM

Tax identity theft may seem like a problem only for individual taxpayers but, according to the IRS, there are an increasing number of businesses becoming victims. This is because identity thieves have become more sophisticated, knowing filing practices, the tax code and the best ways to get valuable data.

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Topics: agency, CPA

How to Explain a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA)

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/29/18 9:20 AM

More and more we’re seeing employers asking about how to help employees with health insurance. That’s great! Just how to go about doing it is where things get confusing. In this post we’ll lay out the landscape as we see it and how we go about consulting clients on healthcare for their employee(s).

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Topics: nanny, agency, CPA

How Nannies Make Families Stronger

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/27/18 3:50 PM

Life is busy and adding children into the mix just makes things even more busy. Parents are working, running kids to soccer practice or music lessons, and finding a way to “do it all” its sometimes easier said than done. If you’ve found yourself feeling overwhelmed with the day-to-day activities of running kids to daycare before work, then rushing back to get them before going to the next to-do, it may be time to find a better plan. A nanny very well could be the answer. And once you’ve found the balance, your whole family will feel stronger. Here’s how.

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Topics: nanny, agency

Nanny working when Grandma or Auntie Sue come to visit

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/20/18 4:11 PM

Having relatives come to visit can be an exciting thing that your children look forward to. But as the adult, it could mean that you need to do some extensive preparation ahead of time. Cleaning house and getting ahead at work so you can take some time off to spend with your family members are just some of the many details that need to come together before the arrivals happen. Preparing details for your nanny is also an important thing to remember to do. Here are some tips on how to plan for an upcoming relative’s visit with success.

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Topics: nanny, agency

Senior Caregiver Couple's Overtime Claim Advances in Court

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/15/18 10:00 AM

A federal district court ruled October 15, 2018 that a senior caregiver couple's unpaid overtime claim against the estate of their deceased employer may proceed.

In the case of    Stalnaker v. Estate of Beall, the married senior caregiving couple alleges  that they were not paid overtime wages due them in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act and West Virginia labor laws.
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Topics: agency, senior, CPA

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