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California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights: Employer Facts

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/15/16 8:37 AM

The California Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights (CA DWBR), which went into effect in 2014, along two other pieces of recent legislation obligate California household employers to special responsibilities. Recently the January 1, 2017 sunset provision of the 2014 CA DWBR legislation was repealed - a significant victory for domestic worker rights advocates.

California household employers must first make a determination, based on the nature of the work performed, whether their employee is a domestic service worker or a personal attendant. Duties determine the applicablity of Wage Orders and employee protections in California. It's a bit complicated! 

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Topics: domestic employer legal responsibilities, nanny independent contractor, nanny work agreement, california household employment

Should You Give Your Nanny a Year End Bonus?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/8/16 8:00 AM

Your nanny has worked hard for you all year and you may be wondering if a year-end bonus is warranted. You ask around the office and the answers are all over the place. While a clear majority of nanny employers provide additional compensation or paid time off at the end of the year, many families like you are uncertain about what is customary. 

The annual year end bonues a great opportunity to show your nanny that you appreciate everything that she has done to go above and beyond her regular duties. While an end of year bonus is not required, to your nanny a gift of recognition is always appreciated.

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Topics: nanny bonus


Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/1/16 8:00 AM

A formal written work agreement with a senior caregiver is specific and creates the framework to avoid misunderstandings. HWS has a template that can help you out.

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Topics: senior caregiver work agreement

Hiring a Bilingual Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/25/16 8:00 AM
If you’re just beginning the search of hiring a new nanny to join your family, you likely have a list of requirements that you want fulfilled and hiring a bilingual nanny may be something high on your priority list. Instilling a love for a variety of cultural traditions and languages is important to many families and if you’re thinking of hiring a bilingual nanny to join your family, here is some basic information on how to go about this process.
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Topics: hiring a nanny

Myths About Senior Caregiver Payroll

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/18/16 8:00 AM

If you’re thinking about hiring a senior caregiver this year, it’s crucial to do your research and be sure you know how to go about it – especially when it comes to payroll. There is a lot of misinformation online that can be confusing for families. Here, we’ll break down myths versus facts so you know exactly how to pay your caregiver fairly while withholding proper taxes.

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Topics: senior caregivers, senior home care

How to Set Up a Nanny-Share [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/13/16 9:00 AM

Child care can be extremely costly. One of the best ways to provide personalized small group care and save money on child care without cutting corners is start up a nanny-share with another family.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny

More Tips for Hiring a Live In Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/11/16 8:00 AM

You’ve hired a live-in nanny and you’re excited to have her join your family. Now it is time to address the details - outlining some important parts of what the living arrangements will look like. Here are some helpful tips for you to consider when it comes to considering the impacts of another adult in the house and how you should go about setting boundaries.

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Topics: live-in nanny

How To Solve The Biggest Problems With Senior Caregiver Payroll

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 10/4/16 12:37 PM

If you’ve recently hired a senior caregiver, it is extremely important that you understand how to properly manage payroll, as there is a lot of misinformation out there that can be confusing. If you can understand what the biggest problems with senior caregiver payroll are, then you will be able to get started on the right foot at the very beginning of the employment relationship.

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Topics: Senior Caregiver Payroll

New York’s Domestic Worker Bill of Rights: Facts for Employers

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 9/27/16 7:00 AM

If you employ one or more domestic workers (nanny, senior care aid, housekeeper, etc.), you have special responsibilities mandated by the New York Department of Labor.


  • Minimum Wage: You must pay your worker at least the minimum wage. If you provide meals or housing to your employee, you may be eligible for a credit toward the minimum wage paid to the worker (for more information, visit the NY Dept. of Labor website).
  • Overtime: An employee is entitled to overtime at 1.5 times the employee’s basic hourly rate after 40 hours of work in a calendar week. If the Employee lives in your home, overtime is engaged after 44 hours in a workweek.
  • Paid Time Off: After one year of employment, employees are entitled to three paid days off.

Time Off

  • Weekly: One day of rest must be provided per week. Employers are encouraged to set this day to coincide with the employers day of worship, if they observe one.
  • Yearly: After one year of employment, employees are entitled to three paid days off per year.

Written Work Agreement


  • Unemployment Insurance: Unemployment insurance is required for any employee you pay over $500 per calendar quarter.
  • Worker’s Compensation Insurance: This insurance is required for any employee that works at least forty hours per week, and covers them (and you) if they are injured on the job.
  • Statutory Disability Insurance: This insurance covers an employee who cannot work because they are injured or sick (this includes pregnancy) as a result of something that does not occur in the course of their work. This policy pays benefits for up to twenty-six weeks. The employer can charge the employee up to $0.60 per week to cover the cost of the policy.
  • Health Insurance: You are not required to provide health insurance to your employee.

Payroll Taxes

  • State and Federal Payroll Taxes: The employer is responsible for unemployment tax and the employer’s portion of the FICA taxes. The employer is entitled to withhold the employee's portion of the FICA taxes from the nanny's wages; however, if the employer does not withhold the EMPLOYER remains responsible to pay this tax to the IRS.
  • State and Federal Income Taxes: Income taxes are the nanny's responsibility. The nanny may ask and the employer may agree to withhold  federal, state, and local income taxes from the worker’s paycheck. The domestic employer is not required to withhold income taxes, it is an accommodation to the worker.
  • Reporting: The worker and the employer must file certain forms to comply with tax requirements. To learn more about your tax responsibilities, call HomeWork Solutions at 1-800-626-4829 for a free consultation or visit us here for to learn about our payroll and tax compliance services.

For more information on the NY State Domestic Bill of Rights, visit their website.

NY Domestic Workers Bill of Rights FREE DOWNLOAD

Related Resource:

411: Household Payroll in New York

Webinar Recording: HWS and Park Slope Parents Employing a Nanny in New York

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Topics: new york household employment, New York household payroll

7 Things Amazing Nannies Do

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 9/20/16 8:00 AM

At HWS, we are taking a departure from our normal weekly post to share with you a post written by a mom we have never met, about a nanny we don't know. On a daily basis we speak to Moms and Dads across America who freely express their appreciation for their nanny. They understand the key role the nanny plays in their lives and the lives of their children. They "get it."

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Topics: nanny job satisfaction

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