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The W-4 Form and Why It’s Important

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/16/19 4:01 PM

If you’ve just completed your tax return and you have realized that you have claimed too much or too little, it may be time to reevaluate your W-4 form. Here is why the W-4 form is so important: the W-4 is completed by you as the employee and tells your employer how much of your gross earnings need to be deducted from your paycheck for taxes.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Key Tax Deadlines for Second Quarter 2019

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/11/19 10:00 AM

Here are some key tax deadlines for the second quarter of 2019 to note for employers. These can vary depending on the type of employer you are (corporate vs. household for instance) and there may be additional deadlines that pertain to your State. We are happy to answer any questions about household employer tax filings, just give us a call at 1-800-626-4829.

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Topics: CPA

Common household employer mistakes that can have big consequences

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/9/19 4:04 PM

If you have a nanny or senior caretaker working in your home, you are officially an employer and should be adhering to rules that apply to household employers. However, there are many mistakes that can be made, either intentionally or not, that could have big consequences. Here are some common mistakes household employers make that can have big consequences and how you can avoid them.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

The Importance of Having an Updated Employee Handbook

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/4/19 10:00 AM

Most employers have some sort of employee handbook or at least a clear cut work agreement. It goes without saying that it is extremely important to have and keep updating your employee handbook.  If you don’t, or yours is out-of-date, then you may want to change that.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Employee files for unemployment – what does this mean?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/2/19 3:44 PM

If one of your household employees has recently filed for unemployment benefits, you may have received notice from your state and be unsure of what to do. This brings up the question: what does it mean when an employee files an unemployment claim? Here we will break down some of the basics about unemployment claims and explain what’s required of you as the employer.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Nanny Salary History: An Agency Minefield

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/28/19 4:00 PM

Nanny and household staffing professionals know that there are federal and state, and sometimes city, laws that govern job application forms, interview questions, and screening processes and more. Most of these laws are intended to protect the applicant from discriminatory hiring and screening practices.

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Topics: agency, CPA

I hired an employee – what forms need to be completed?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/26/19 3:38 PM

You have searched to find the right nanny or senior caregiver for your family and have found the person you want to work with. Congratulations, you have become an employer! Hopefully you have completed thorough background screening and reference checking, and you and your new employee have a written work agreement in place. Now you and your employee must complete the proper government paperwork. What forms need to be completed? The following forms below are required at the time of hire.

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Topics: nanny, senior, CPA

Creating a “Compensation Philosophy”

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/21/19 10:00 AM

In a perfect world someone hires another to do a job, they do the job, and are then paid a fair wage. Obviously things aren’t that simple. When thinking through an open position and recruiting for a new employee you might want to start thinking about a “compensation philosophy.” Here are some thoughts to get you started on developing a "compensation philosophy" plan.

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Topics: agency, CPA

Understanding your 1040 Schedule H

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/19/19 3:56 PM

If you are a household employer and have an employee working in your home, you have a responsibility to pay and report payroll taxes, which includes filing a Schedule H form with your personal federal tax return. If you paid your employee at least $2,100 in the year, if you withheld Federal Income Taxes, or if you are liable for unemployment taxes you must file this form.

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Topics: nanny, senior, CPA

Increased Penalties from the DOL for Labor Law Violations

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/14/19 10:00 AM

In 2015 a law was passed to start using an inflation adjustment for penalties on labor law violations. Here are some of the penalties for 2019:

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Topics: agency, CPA

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