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Best FREE Time Clock Apps for Nannies and Caregivers

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/17/18 3:50 PM

If you have a new nanny or senior caregiver, it’s important that you have a reliable way to keep track of their hours worked. Accurate, contemporaneous time tracking will protect you as an employer from unpaid wage and overtime complaints and it will also ensure that the nanny or caregiver is paid for all their hours. Here are some free employee time clock apps that can help.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

2018 Form W-4: A Walk through

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/11/18 10:00 AM

Disclaimer: HomeWork Solutions employees are experts in Employment Taxes, not personal income taxes. That said, we see these forms every day. If you have specific questions please see your personal tax accountant for more 2018 W-4 help.

First off, here is a link to the IRS maintained version of the Form W-4.

This new version has substantial changes. Even some elements that haven’t changed have been rearranged on the new 2018 federal W-4 form. Starting from the top we do see some familiar things (provided you’ve read the “fine print” of the form before). The general instructions haven’t changed much but there are some clarifications about the adjusted child care tax credit as well as credits for other dependents. You’ll notice then that the bottom third of the first page is now the Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate with no allowance worksheet above it. The section is still the same with name, address, social security number, etc. The most important things here are filing status (box 3) and number of allowances (box 5), the same as it has always been. The major difference is that getting to your number of allowances is considerably more difficult.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Can we legally bank hours for my nanny or caregiver?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/3/18 3:56 PM

Once you’ve found the right person to serve as a nanny or caregiver in your home, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your loved one is in good hands while you’re away. Once you’ve hired your caregiver or nanny, you’ll discuss what hours they will need to work, but if you’re planning on "banking hours", or carrying their hours over, be aware that this process is illegal. Federal law requires that your household employee is paid for each hour they work in a given workweek.  If they work more than 40 hours in any given 7 day workweek, you must pay them overtime, likely at a rate of at least 1.5 times their regular rate. Some states even mandate daily overtime, so be sure you know the overtime rules in your state.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior

6 Reasons to Choose HomeWork Solutions for Your Nanny Payroll

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/6/18 3:56 PM
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Topics: filing taxes, nanny, nanny tax, Senior Caregiver Payroll, agency, senior, CPA

Case Study: Pro Athlete Advised to 1099 His Nanny

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/27/18 3:54 PM

Our client, John M. came to us after working with a nanny that he thought could work as an independent contractor.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

7 Common Mistakes of California Household Employers

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/13/18 3:00 PM

California has some of the most complex household employment labor laws in the country! So complicated in fact that the California Household Employers Guide, published by the state, runs 70 pages of explanation, and that is just for the taxation component!

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

2018 Payroll Tax Withholding Tables are Changing

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/8/18 10:00 AM

For employers, managing payroll smoothly and properly is a delicate, critical matter. There may be no quicker way to turn a happy employee into a disgruntled one than by mishandling his or her paycheck (exactly why many household employers use us).

This year, employers have an additional challenge with which to contend. When Congress passed, and the President signed into law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) late last year, it meant the IRS withholding tables would have to be updated. And now they have been.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

How long should you retain payroll records?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/1/18 10:00 AM

Employers must exert a certain amount of time and resources to properly retain their income tax records. But these aren’t the only documents you need to maintain. Retention of your organization’s payroll records is also important. This goes for both corporate and household employment.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

How do I know my nanny has legal work authorization?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 1/23/18 3:57 PM

Finding the perfect nanny to work with your family is an exciting and rewarding experience. Once you’ve found the person that you want to hire, you’ll need to verify your nanny’s work eligibility and be sure that she can work legally in the United States.

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Topics: nanny, senior, CPA

The New Tax Bill: What it has to Say about Personal Exemptions, Standard Deductions, and Tax Credits

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 1/18/18 10:00 AM

Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), individual income tax rates generally go down for 2018 through 2025. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your income tax liability will go down. The TCJA also makes a lot of changes to tax breaks for individuals, reducing or eliminating some while expanding others. The total impact of all of these changes is what will ultimately determine whether you see reduced taxes. One interrelated group of changes affecting many taxpayers are those to personal exemptions, standard deductions and the child credit.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

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