By Dr. Lindsay Heller, Psy. D.
Topics: nanny communication, senior caregiver work agreement, nanny work agreement
Every Human Resources Department knows the importance of having an Annual Performance Review for all employees. A performance review can be done at any time of the year, and preferably is completed at least once every year.
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny work agreement, nanny job description
Did you know that household employers are not legally obligated to pay for ANY holidays or time off to their employees*? It is entirely up to the employer to decide if such a benefit will be offered or not. Clearly this is something that should be discussed when interviewing, and memorialized in a written work agreement. We know from experience this is a big concern for household employees. In some situations, applicants will even choose one job over another based on the holiday and paid time off in the job offer.
Topics: housekeeper, maid, nanny paid time off, nanny benefits, nanny work agreement
Experts agree, writing a nanny contract or nanny work agreement is a best practice in nanny employment. Why?
Topics: nanny work agreement, nanny contract
Topics: nanny work agreement, nanny contract
New York State Law requires all private employers to provide written notice to employees of their rate(s) of pay and designated pay day on an annual basis. Notice must be provided between January 1 and February 2 2013. NYS' FAQ on the Wage Theft Prevention Act specifically states that an employer may not choose another time of the year to provide the notice!
Topics: nanny payroll, domestic workers bill of rights, calculate nanny payroll tax, nanny employee, household payroll tax, new york household employment, nanny work agreement
Many people hear the words "nanny confidentiality agreement" and think this is something Brad and Angelina need - not their family!
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny work agreement, nanny contract
Topics: nanny work agreement, nanny job interview
Topics: Nanny Cam, nanny work agreement, nanny job interview
The beautiful baby has arrived and mom is preparing to return to work. The new parents begin interviewing nannies, a stressful endeavor for all concerned! Will she keep my baby safe? Will she love my child? Can I depend on her to be on time and not call out at the last minute? Does she have the experience I am looking for? Can I afford her? The absolutely last thing on the new parent's mind in these interviews is tax and labor law, and this is where nanny and family can find themselves out of sync.
Topics: nanny hourly wage, nanny work agreement, nanny wage