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Household Payroll, Hypothetically

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 5/13/14 8:12 AM

Last Friday, HWS' Client Care Manager Mary Crowe took a phone call that went along these lines:

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Topics: household employee taxes, nanny payroll tax

Moving? 4 Ways To Keep Your Household Payroll Taxes Organized

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 2/28/14 1:50 PM

Moving your family can be one of life's most exciting times, yet also one of the most stressful times. Finding a new place, selling an old place, leaving a job, starting a new one or transferring within a company, packing, unpacking, leaving an old nanny, hiring a new one, (or sometimes the nanny moves or commutes to the new location if it’s a local move) the list can seem like its endless.

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Topics: nanny payroll, nanny payroll tax, nannies, calculate nanny payroll tax

The Single Reason Why Paying Your Nanny "Net" is a Bad Idea

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 2/25/14 12:40 PM

A client calls and say "I want to pay my nanny $16.00 an hour take home, can you help me?" When I hear this question it is like nails on a chalk board; however it’s also a great opportunity for me to explain the nanny taxes, how payroll works and why paying a net per hour is the worst idea.  This is often referred to as 'Grossing Up' a paycheck and it can lead to major headaches.

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Topics: nanny, nanny payroll, nanny payroll tax, nanny hourly wage, nannies

Nanny Taxes Have You Stuck In Fear?

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 1/16/14 7:56 AM

Don’t be stuck in fear ! We are here to help you! 

I have told many of our clients that they are not the first person that we have helped when they were behind on their nanny taxes. I tell them that because it’s true!

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Topics: household employee taxes, W-2, nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, nanny taxes

Nanny Wages Part On and Part Off the Books?

Posted by Mary Crowe, FPC on 12/31/13 7:53 AM

 'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive' 

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Topics: nanny payroll tax

Tax Filing Update - Same Sex Marriages

Posted by Kathleen Webb on 10/31/13 12:39 PM

Several months ago we blogged about the US Supreme Court's findings on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and how this impacts household employers or household employees in a valid same-sex marriage.

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Topics: nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, household payroll

Is a Nanny Tax Deductible?

Posted by Kathy Webb on 3/12/13 12:55 PM

There is good news for household employers who pay their nanny or senior caregiver "on the books."  These employers are often eligible for tax savings on their personal income tax returns.  And these tax savings often go a long way towards offsetting the household employer taxes they paid!

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Topics: nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, nanny taxes, nanny health insurance

Nanny Tax Amnesty - Prelude to IRS Enforcement?

Posted by Kathy Webb on 3/11/13 10:44 AM

Federal legislators are scrambling to raise revenues and lower expenses to reduce deficits, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is under considerable pressure to improve tax collections. Employment taxes, including the "nanny taxes", are estimated to be undercollected by $73 -78 Billion per year.

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Topics: babysitter nanny tax, nanny payroll tax, nanny tax, household payroll tax

IRS Audits and the Nanny Tax

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/27/13 5:59 PM

The IRS reports that audits of tax returns with income over $200,000 increased by 13% in 2012 over the prior year. The Wall Street Journal's Market Watch recently published advice on 5 steps to take to avoid an IRS audit on your Federal income tax return.

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Topics: babysitter nanny tax, nanny payroll tax, nanny taxes, payroll tax enforcement

2013 Nanny Payroll Tax Calculator

Posted by Kathy Webb on 1/2/13 8:43 AM

Did you know that every paycheck's net or take home calculation will change in 2013? Calculate your nanny paycheck deductions before you issue any 2013 payroll.

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Topics: nanny payroll tax, calculate nanny payroll tax, nanny tax calculator, nanny social security tax rate

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