Families know that a comprehensive, legitimate pre-employment background check, thorough reference checking and organized behavioral interviewing questions are the gold standard in nanny recruiting. The careful background screening is a must, but you should not be lulled into thinking that just because a nanny that passed these 3 steps with flying colors you don't need to pay attention and observe the nanny on the job.
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nanny tax,
nanny tax compliance,
nanny background screening
In an inspiring and forward-thinking section of the New York Times on innovations in retirement, an article on innovative solutions to senior living offered news on several fronts. While most readers will be familiar with the existing alternatives such as in-home senior care, assisted living and independent senior living options, the article features new ideas that will certainly gain more traction as the baby boomer population ages. Often referred to as "aging in place," here are some examples highlighted in the article:
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elder care,
aging in place,
household employee taxes,
nanny background screening
For many, the time and money associated with caring for aging relatives are nothing short of overwhelming. Financing long term care is a particular source of anxiety and stress. If you have determined that at-home care is the avenue that best suits your family, then you have probably already worried about financing this long term care plan.
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elder care,
senior care,
financing long term care,
nanny background screening
Perhaps caring for your aging relative has led you to wonder if an assisted living facility is a better solution. One of the toughest decisions that families have to consider is the care and safety of their elder. In addition to rapidly changing health issues, there are potentially isolated living conditions, increasingly difficult insurance matters and general home maintenance. Choosing the right assisted living facility for your loved one is crucial to their happiness- and yours.
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assisted living,
nanny background screening,
Hiring Elder care,
hiring care for seniors
(1st in a 2 part series)
Nanny Hiring Family’s perspective:
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nanny job interview,
nanny background screening
Our aging parents deal with physical and sometimes mental declines that challenge their ability to completely take care of themselves on their own. They don’t like the idea of moving out of their homes to a senior care facility. How will they safely age at home, in a safe and happy environment?
Today an estimated 3.4 million senior home care givers provide support services to an aging population that emphatically wants to ‘age in place.’ To meet continued demand, the U.S. needs an additional 1.6 million caregivers by 2020. While most families turn to senior care agencies to provide support personnel to aging family members, an increasing number of families prefer to hire directly, citing both reduced costs and greater control over caregiver selection as their primary motivations.
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caregiver background screening,
nanny background screening
Protecting Employee Personally Identifiable Information
Household employers have legitimate needs to collect and maintain their household employee’s confidential data. All employers, and their agents, are legally responsible to protect this information and prevent its access by unauthorized individuals.
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household employee background check,
caregiver background screening,
nanny job interview,
nanny background screening
Nannies and senior caregivers are hired to help keep loved ones safe and well cared for. Recently a Texas nanny that the hiring family thought was well screened was arrested and charged with child endangerment after the mom returned home and found the nanny drunk and passed out and her 20 month old free to roam the home. Turns out the nanny has quite a history of prior offenses, none of which were found because of the type of 'background check' run. Stories like these make families wonder how they can better screen their caregivers.
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caregiver background screening,
nanny background screening
More and more older Americans are choosing to live in their homes for as long as possible, or aging in place. The senior who wants to stay in their own home often needs some non-medical assistance to meet this goal, including help with housekeeping, driving, cooking, and even some activities of daily living such as dressing and bathing.
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household payroll tax,
nanny background screening,
Hiring Elder care,
senior home care