A quality nanny placement and referral agency can be a life saver for families hiring a nanny, especially for first time employers and families with newborns. The plethora of on-line options almost leaves more questions for families than they answer. Families wonder:
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Do you have a regular person who comes to your home to provide housekeeping, maid or cleaning services? Do you know that this individual is probably your employee under common law and the Internal Revenue Code?
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cleaning lady,
nanny tax
The US Department of State has issued non-immigrant visas to the personal attendants, servants, and maids of certain diplomatic and non-governmental staff members under G-5, A-3 and NATO-7 visa categories for many years. Guidelines for the sponsoring staff members were very broad, and subject to interpretation by the various sponsoring organizations.
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IRS data places "nanny tax" compliance (declaration by families of their household payroll) at about 20%. Household employment experts believe even this number is optimistic. Looking at these statistics, a new household employer has to think that just ignoring this complicated and expensive issue is relatively risk free. What these numbers don't illustrate is the steadily increasing political pressure on the IRS to collect revenue, and the relatively low hanging fruit the "nanny taxes" present. Add to this the very real possibility that the elder care giver or nanny may file for unemployment benefits when the job ends, and the risk evaluation changes dramatically.
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nanny payroll tax,
nanny tax,
nanny tax compliance
If you employ a nanny, chances are strong at some point you will need to let the nanny go. There are myriad reasons a family fires a nanny. The children grow up and your beloved family nanny is no longer needed. Perhaps the nanny has horrible work habits - always late or a frequent 'no show.' Your family and the nanny simply may not 'click.' The nanny who was a wonderful nurturer of your infant does not have the energy to deal with your demanding toddler. Whatever the reason, firing a nanny can be an uncomfortable experience for both family and nanny.
Below are some tips and best practices when letting the nanny go.
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nanny employment practices,
nanny tax compliance,
nanny employment termination
Are you ready to compute your 2012 payroll?
The 4nannytaxes.com household payroll calculator has been updated with new withholding tax rates for 2012. Clients who write their own paychecks, please confirm your withholding calculations before issuing any 2012 payroll as there are many income tax rate changes!
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nanny hourly wage,
calculate nanny payroll tax,
nanny non-exempt employee,
new york household employment,
california household employment
Many states enacted legislation and regulations in 2011 that impact household employers. If you employ a nanny, housekeeper, house manager, home health aide, or any household staff, please stay informed.
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worker misclassification independent contractor,
domestic employer legal responsibilities,
new york household employment,
california household employment
Household staff, and nannies in particular, find that a former employer's letter of recommendation is an important part of his/her professional portfolio. The nanny or house manager often uses this portfolio, which is a collection of materials including her resume, work history, educational certifications, and examples of her work, to help 'sell' herself to prospective employers in the job interview. These letters are an important initial reference for families when they begin screening potential nannies and house managers.
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nanny employment termination,
nanny separation
The US DOL has proposed a series of rules changes that will result in a substantial number of elder care and home care workers being covered by the Fair Labor Standards Acts' (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime protections. This continues a trend of increased regulation and enforcement in the area of domestic service employees, with an increasing number of household workers being subject to Wage and Hour protections and enforcement. The proposal more strictly limits and defines the services of a "companion," and states that household employers MUST maintain accurate and contemporaneous time tracking records and pay household staff for every hour on duty. It also states that employees of third party employers such as staffing agencies are not exempt from minimum wage and overtime protections. Public comments will be solicited when the proposal is published in the Federal Register.
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elder care,
senior caregivers,
companionship services,
companionship exemption
While most media attention in 2011 was focused on AB889 the California Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights, which did not pass in the 2011 legislative session, two other pieces of legislation that household employers must be aware of passed with little notice.
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domestic employer legal responsibilities,
nanny independent contractor,
nanny work agreement,
california household employment