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Minimum Wage Increases January 1, 2016

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/28/15 12:47 PM

In 2015 many labor groups pushed hard for increases in the minimum wage. While they were unsuccessful at the federal level, many states and municipalities have minimum wage increases scheduled for January 1, 2016. Household employees such as nannies, housekeepers, and many senior caregivers are covered by minimum wage legislation, and when there is a difference between the state and federal rates, the greater of the two applies.

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Topics: minimum wage

Elder Care After ObamaCare

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/22/15 7:00 AM

Elder_Care_After_Obamacare.pngIn one of the most polarizing decisions in recent history, the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, was passed by Congress in March of 2010. This legislation was enacted to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance and to reduce the growth in health care spending in the United States.

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Topics: elder care, assisted living, medicare, obamacare, senior care

10 Most Expensive Metro Areas for Child Care in the US

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/15/15 7:00 AM

Having kids can get incredibly expensive, and paying for quality childcare is one of those expenses. However, as you might expect, the cost of living varies greatly from state to state and in some cities in the United State, childcare is significantly more costly. Data that was released recently by the Economic Policy Institute looked at more than 600 metropolitan areas in the country and included in a variety of factors in the findings including transportation, food costs, childcare, and housing. The results showed that childcare is usually the most expensive line item for parents raising little ones. Here are the 10 most expensive metro areas for childcare in the United States.

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Topics: nanny wage

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Nanny Payroll Service?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/8/15 6:30 AM

When you’re looking to hire a nanny and determining how much you want to pay, you should also factor in the cost of hiring a nanny payroll service. A nanny payroll service will make sure that you have everything you need covered in terms of taxes, payroll deductions, and benefits for your new nanny, and will be a resource to you when you have questions. With a household payroll service, you will have peace of mind that hardworking household payroll specialists are working to get things done right the first time.

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Topics: nanny payroll

Tax Breaks for Household Payroll

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/1/15 6:30 AM

Did you know that if you are a household employer that you may be entitled to a variety of tax breaks, regardless of what your nanny’s or senior caregiver's income level is? If you are paying your nanny or senior caregiver legally, there are two main tax breaks that you may be entitled to.

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Topics: household payroll tax beaks

2016 Household Payroll Update: What’s New?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/24/15 6:30 AM

It's almost time to say goodbye to another year! Our experienced team of professionals at HomeWork Solutions is here to help you stay on top of the deadlines and other details that you need to have when it comes to household payroll. This year, there were a variety of important action items that took place both on a state and federal level. Here’s a quick description of important must-knows:

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Topics: nanny pay rate notice, caregiver pay rate notice, domestic workers bill of rights, nanny mileage reimbursement, household payroll

I Agreed to Pay our Nanny $600 Take Home Weekly - a Case Study

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/17/15 6:30 AM

Susan G. is a licensed social worker and a new mom who came to HomeWork Solutions when she and her husband hired a nanny so she could go back to work. Susan and her husband found the ideal nanny via a neighborhood list serve and readily agreed to her request for a weekly wage of $600 take home after taxes. Susan found that getting all of the reporting and tax calculations right – particularly when working from a net take home pay – proved to be a headache.

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Topics: calculate nanny payroll tax, nanny tax case study

Should You Provide a Year-End Bonus to Your Nanny?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/10/15 6:30 AM

The end of the year is coming and the holidays are approaching. For many employers, this is a perfect opportunity to provide a year-end bonus – incentive pay that goes above and beyond the regularly provided salary. Has your nanny done a great job for your family this year? You may be wondering if you should provide a year-end bonus to your nanny for a job well done. While a bonus is never required, it is very common that families provide their nanny and/or housekeeper a end of year bonus. It certainly is a gift that would be appreciated. There are several creative ways that you can show your appreciation to your employee.

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Topics: nanny bonus

Household Employee Terminated: Returning Family Property?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/3/15 6:30 AM

Parting ways with your nanny or other household employee can be difficult. It can be hard on your family who has likely become used to being with them every day and it can also be challenging for you as the employer to figure out what legal steps you’ll need to follow through with. If you recently terminated your household employee's employment – either abruptly or with some planning ahead of time – it’s necessary to remember the importance of returning family property. This is a big component to ending the working relationship and something that should not be forgotten or postponed.

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Topics: nanny return of family property

November is Child Safety and Protection Month

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/1/15 7:00 AM

Nannies and other child caregivers, take a minute to teach your nanny kids these simple yet essential safety tips!

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Topics: nanny training

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