Through the year, there are some special days, created to remind us of the importance of those special people that make a difference in our lives. We are now approaching the National Nanny Recognition Week (September 23rd through 29th).
Through the year, there are some special days, created to remind us of the importance of those special people that make a difference in our lives. We are now approaching the National Nanny Recognition Week (September 23rd through 29th).
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny, nanny bonus
NannyBizReviews announced the SPARK Awards to recognize nannies who demonstrate excellence in nanny care. Winners will be announced in conjunctions with National Nanny Training Day in April 2013. HomeWork Solutions is a national sponsor of National Nanny Training Day.
Topics: nanny training
G-5 and A-3 domestics are personal attendants who are citizens of a foreign country admitted to the United States to perform domestic service functions for other foreign nationals who are working in the US on diplomatic visas.
Reprinted from February 2007
Reprinted from April 2007
Topics: nanny tax statute of limitations, payroll tax enforcement
A recent case before the California Appeals Court for the Fourth Appellate District highlights the important responsibility an employer has to maintain accurate and contemporaneous time records for employee work and compensation.
Topics: time tracking
Most nannies and their employers work and are paid on a set weekly schedule; however, from time to time the family will require additional hours from their nanny. Legally, nannies are entitled to additional compensation for additional hours worked, and live out nannies, at a minimum, are entitled to the overtime differential (1.5 times the hourly rate) for hours worked over 40 in a work week. *
Topics: nanny employment practices, domestic employer legal responsibilities, nanny overtime
Guest blogger Bonnie Low-Kramen is the author the book, Be the Ultimate Assistant, A celebrity assistant’s secrets to working with any high powered employer. Bonnie is the former assistant to celebrity couple Olympia Dukakis and Louis Zorich. Bonnie is now teaching workshops for Personal Assistants in major U.S. cities. Visit for more details.
Topics: nanny employment practices, domestic employer legal responsibilities
We recently posted some advice on how to choose a quality nanny referral agency. We work with agency partners nationwide to help their clients and referred private service professionals alike understand the mechanics of household payroll. Nannies from the Heartland Inc. is a well respected household staffing agency in Minneapolis, MN. Becky Kavanagh, an experienced placement counselor (with 22 years of nanny experience!) shares some of her thoughts on how parents can stay connected to their child's day.
Topics: nanny share, nanny employment practices, nanny employee, nanny work agreement, nanny training
Reprinted with permission from First Class Care, Inc., a nationally recognized nanny referral agency in Chicago, IL, and a host of the Chicago-area National Nanny Training Day event. HomeWork Solutions is proud to support this event.
Topics: nanny training