(2nd in a 3 part series)
There is a high demand from our seniors to “age in place," to be able to stay in their home as long as their health allows. They are adverse to moving to any kind of facility, such as a nursing home, retirement center or hospice, where skilled and professional care givers can take care of them.
Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, companionship services
The Supreme Court’s ruled last month (United States v. Windsor, U.S., No. 12-307, 6/26/13) that the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violated the constitutional guarantee of equal protection when applied to same-sex couples who were legally married under state law. What does this mean for household employers?
Topics: calculate nanny payroll tax, nanny tax calculator, household paycheck calculator
The minimum hourly wage that applies to a G-5 or A-3 domestic service worker increased effective July 1, 2013. G-5 and A-3 domestics are personal attendants who are citizens of a foreign country admitted to the United States to perform domestic service functions for other foreign nationals who are working in the US on diplomatic visas. The minimum hourly wage these domestic workers can be paid is set by metropolitan area using payroll data compiled by the US Department of Labor and is known as the prevailing wage.
Topics: G5 domestic, GV domestic
El Congreso de los Estados Unidos está debatiendo la reforma migratoria que podría liderar un camino a la ciudadanía para los cerca de once millones de trabajadores indocumentados que viven y trabajan hoy en las sombras, evadiendo la legislación fiscal. Una buena parte de éstos trabajadores, están empleados como niñeras, empleadas domésticas y personas al cuidado de adultos mayores.
Topics: nanny payroll, nanny tax, payroll tax enforcement, nanny tax compliance
Congress is debating Immigration Reform, legislation that would establish a path to citizenship for the about eleven million undocumented workers living and working in the shadows today, bypassing tax law obligations. A good portion of these are employed as household workers such as nannies, housekeepers and senior caregivers.
Topics: domestic employer legal responsibilities, household payroll tax, nanny tax compliance
(1st in a 3 part series)
Topics: nanny employment termination
Going on vacation? Visiting the family? If you are ready to hit the road with your child and you are taking you nanny with you, allow us to share these helpful tips to avoid any misunderstanding, uncomfortable situations and make your trip a complete success!
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny, nanny payroll, nanny job description
Today I woke up with the song “I believe I could fly” in my head. I could not associate this phrase with anything other than the feeling a child has for their dad, their first super hero. That person who makes the impossible … possible! When talking about dad, I don’t just refer to our biological dad; but to all male figures that influence and make a difference in a child’s life. Father figures can include fathers, step-fathers, fathers-in-law, grandfathers and great-grandfathers and even other male relatives. I am talking about that powerful man, able to solve and fix every broken thing around the house, and even, the entire world!
Topics: nanny payroll, nanny tax
Did you know that household employers are not legally obligated to pay for ANY holidays or time off to their employees*? It is entirely up to the employer to decide if such a benefit will be offered or not. Clearly this is something that should be discussed when interviewing, and memorialized in a written work agreement. We know from experience this is a big concern for household employees. In some situations, applicants will even choose one job over another based on the holiday and paid time off in the job offer.
Topics: housekeeper, maid, nanny paid time off, nanny benefits, nanny work agreement