Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, overtime rules, household payroll tax, hiring care for seniors
Topics: household employee, nanny severance, nanny, nanny employee, nanny separation
Many families pay their household workers directly and subscribe to a service such as HomeWork Solutions' Essential Payroll to prepare necessary quarterly and end of year tax documents. We are often asked about whether pay stubs are necessary.
Topics: nanny payroll, calculate nanny payroll tax, domestic employer legal responsibilities, nanny tax calculator, household paycheck calculator
Q. I am a G-4 visa holder. I do not pay US Income Taxes. Am I required to file anything at year end?
Many household employers are only now beginning to seriously consider the costs and risks related to paying nannies and other household workers “on the books.” In fact, complaince rates hover around 20%. More families are recognizing the merits of filing as employers, and helping household workers with required withholding and tax payment. While filing and paying taxes on household employees brings with it additional costs and paperwork, it also avoids stiff penalties if you are audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
Topics: nanny payroll, household payroll
Can you believe another year has flown by already? And 2014 is right around the corner …
HomeWork Solutions wants to help you stay ahead of the game by summarizing important deadlines and considerations before you get caught up in the holiday festivities.
Topics: nanny w-2 form, nanny tax, nanny wage
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well”- Voltaire
We all have our own unique ways of showing appreciation for the people around us that make our lives easier or brighten our day in some other way ... Whether it is your employee, nanny, spouse, boss or even a kind stranger, make sure you show how valuable their positive impact in your life is for you. If someone challenged you to get out of your comfort zone and meet a goal, especially during the holiday season, remember to appreciate what they have done for you. Get creative with the ways you say “Thank you!”
Topics: nanny, nanny bonus, holiday
Although the Holiday Season is usually filled with excitement and celebrations, for some in their “golden” years, this can be one of the toughest times of the year. The stress that comes with taking part in these special celebrations can be overwhelming for some. Many people, regardless of age, can experience feelings of sadness, disappointment and depression this time of year which is often referred to as the “Holiday Blues”. This can be due to the extra stress that results when preparing for all of the fun holiday festivities, while still juggling all of the day to day of our busy lives.
Some seniors experience the “Holiday Blues” more intensely, while others are not affected at all ... Life experience brings many changes with it, and our senior family members often reach a point in their lives when it becomes more difficult to adapt to change. During the Holidays, in particular, some reminisce about better times and the absence of their loved ones. Some of their spouses or closest friends might even have already passed, and their grown up children have busy lives of their own now …
Topics: elder care, senior safety, senior care, holiday
Timeless holiday songs are once again playing on the radio, that festive spirit can be felt in the air and year end celebratory planning can be found everywhere … This is one of my favorite seasons of all. It is that special time of year when we take the time to appreciate the wonderful people in our lives, and take a moment to show our appreciation to those special people that make our everyday lives better. We all start to feel that holiday spirit this time of year!
Many families incorporate this spirit into their household employment relationships as well. If you have a nanny, senior caregiver or other household employee, now is the time to consider how you might demonstrate your appreciation to your employee ...
Topics: nanny paid time off, nanny bonus
Topics: FLSA, overtime rules, nanny hourly wage, domestic employer legal responsibilities, nanny overtime