Today’s smart phones are miniature computers on the go. Nannies and parents are constantly discovering new apps that help with care coordination, communication, and just plain saving time. Busy moms and nannies are constantly comparing apps and recommending their favorites to their friends.
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Be specific and avoid misunderstanding
Think about the conflicts you encounter in everyday life, and you’ll recognize the role of details in smooth operations and peaceful negotiations. This is the foundation of a senior home care work agreement.
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elder care,
senior caregivers,
companionship services,
senior home care
Employment law, wage and hour law, and payroll tax requirements for privately employed senior caregivers are governed by a complex assortment of Federal and state rules and legislation. The scope of duties is used on the Federal level to distinguish companionship care - exempt from Federal minimum wage and overtime protections - from other domestic services that do enjoy FLSA protections.
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companionship services,
companionship exemption,
senior home care,
senior home-care workers
The US Department of Labor on September 17, 2013 issued revised rules within the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that codify recordkeeping requirements of employers with live in domestic service workers. The revised rules closely mirror the recordkeeping advice that HomeWork Solutions gives all household employers. Good recordkeeping is not just the law; it also protects the household employer from unpaid wage claims.
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live-in nanny,
live-in caregiver,
payroll recordkeeping
(1st in a 2 part series)
Nanny Hiring Family’s perspective:
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nanny job interview,
nanny background screening
Care For Your Emotional Health
Along with the emotional rewards that may come from helping an older family member maintain safe and with a good quality of life, the responsibilities may take a toll on a caretaker’s emotional well-being. A reverse in roles when taking care of an aging parent can be especially difficult.
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elder care,
senior care,
hiring care for seniors
Tips for managing your physical health while caring for an aging family member
With Americans living longer lives and often needing assistance to ensure their well-being, more people are providing care for an aging family member. New additions to our vocabulary like ‘sandwich generation’ and ‘caregiver stress,’ have emerged from this reality.
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elder care,
senior caregivers,
Senior Health guide,
companionship services
California Governor Brown signed the California Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights, AB 241, into law on September 26, 2013. The regulations become effective January 1, 2014.
What does this mean to California household employers?
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domestic workers bill of rights,
california household employment
Our demanding careers and busy lives sometimes leads us to hire someone to help us out around the house. If you have hired a nanny, housekeeper, elder caregiver, personal assistant, or any other person to provide services in your home you might become a household employer. What does it mean?
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nanny tax,
household payroll tax,
nanny tax compliance