COVID-19 and the resultant economic disruption caused many household employers to lay off nannies and senior caregivers they had depended on before the pandemic.
COVID-19 and the resultant economic disruption caused many household employers to lay off nannies and senior caregivers they had depended on before the pandemic.
The extended duration of the Coronavirus pandemic and resultant disruption to normal economic activity is causing employers to make hard choices. A common question HWS client care representatives are fielding is, “Do I have to give my nanny notice of a layoff?”
You’ve searched for the best nanny and you’ve finally found her. She’s like a precious diamond: she loves your kids and the kids love being with her. She communicates well, she’s creative, dependable, and calm with whatever situation is thrown her way. A good nanny is priceless and when you’ve found the right fit, you want to hold on tight. But what if another family hears about how amazing she is, and they try to lure her away?
The Coronavirus pandemic has thrown school schedules into chaos. Some parents are working from home, other essential workers may be working even more hours outside the home. Many group care facilities and summer camps will be shuttered for the foreseeable future - perhaps the full summer. A summer, or long term temporary nanny may be a perfect solution.
Topics: nanny
With the spread of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, the US Government passed the CARES ACT, part of which includes stimulus payments to many taxpayers. What does this mean for you and your family? In this article, we've outlined some of the most frequently asked questions.
As an employer, are you unsure of what you’re allowed to do when trying to detect and respond to potential cases of COVID-19 in your workplace? Here are some answers.
HomeWork Solutions has received many calls about the CARES Act stimulus bill and the Payroll Protection Program offering forgivable loans to employers who retain their employees. Unfortunately, the US Small Business Association (SBA) has just issued final terms of the program which specifically exclude household employers from eligibility. The document notes that, “The Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury (the Secretary), determined that household employers are ineligible because they are not businesses.”
Congress passed, and the president signed into law, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act on March 18. The law allows employees paid time to care for themselves or loved ones and includes provisions for new tax credits to offset employers’ costs. But the immediate need to pay employees on leave may still be difficult for families struggling with monetary losses.
We believe the majority of families want to ensure that the nanny or senior caregiver who took care of their family is taken care of in this crisis. Now that families understand what their legal obligations are under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), let’s take a few moments to understand how the money works out.
HomeWork Solutions is fielding many questions about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) from families and caregivers alike. We are committed to helping nannies and other household workers understand and have access to the benefits they deserve, and equally to helping families to understand their new (temporary) responsibilities. Lastly, HomeWork Solutions is waiving some fees for families who have not been paying their nannies on the books. Catching up on "NannyTaxes" will protect families from liability for unemployment claims and/or unpaid wage claims while ensuring the nannies who care for our families are cared for in this crisis.