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The Dangers of Underreporting Wages

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/13/23 2:24 PM

If you have recently hired a new employee to work in your home, it’s important to get their payroll details lined up immediately. Deciding to pay them partially off the books to save on taxes, but partially on record to contribute to their work history, is illegal and you’ll only create a headache for yourself later when the full picture comes to light. Here, we’ll explain why.

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Topics: senior caregivers, senior care, nanny, senior

A Case Study About Take Home Pay

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/28/23 11:15 AM

Adele’s elderly mother expressed her desire to stay in her home independently rather than move into assisted living.  Adele did her research to find a qualified and compassionate caregiver to assist. After recently giving up her driver’s license due to health complications, it was critical for Adele’s mother to have a caregiver who would help with with transportation to and from medical appointments, meetings with friends,  and provide assistance with grocery shopping.

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Topics: senior care, nanny, Senior Caregiver Payroll, agency, senior, CPA

When Your Nanny Needs to Provide Transportation for Your Children

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 3/24/23 2:59 PM

Many families have their nanny provide basic transportation for the children as part of their regular job duties. Whether it’s drop off and pick up from school, transportation to and from sports practice and music lessons, or other scheduled activities, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

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Topics: nanny, agency

HomeWork Solutions Celebrates 30 years!

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/15/23 4:34 PM

At HomeWork Solutions, we find that good ideas can come from any of our stakeholders. An employee offering an improved business process, a client requesting default payroll reporting, a caregiver asking for material to educate their employers about Healthcare Reimbursement Accounts… Ideas from all have helped make HomeWork Solutions the company it is today. In fact, our foundation was built on listening to employees.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Weather Emergencies and Backup Childcare Plans

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 2/8/23 6:21 PM

Weather emergencies can put a real crimp in your work plans, especially if you are a working parent. If you have a nanny or caregiver, changes in weather could mean that they can’t make it safely to your home to provide care. Whether it’s a snowstorm, flooding roads, downed power lines, or ice buildup, planning for inclement weather can minimize the stress when these events occur.

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Topics: nanny, agency

Paying Estimated taxes if your employer does not withhold income taxes

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 1/17/23 12:54 PM

If you are working as a household employee, it is important to understand what taxes you will need to pay. It is easy to feel confused about what you need to pay and when. This is especially true if your employer does not withhold income taxes from your paychecks.*  Here are some important tips.

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Topics: senior care, nanny, agency, senior, CPA

2023 Household Employment Coming Changes

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/28/22 9:29 AM

Updated 27 December 2022

Every year HomeWork Solutions prepares a summary of new or updated household employment tax laws and benefit information.


The IRS annually reviews, and adjusts as necessary, the wage payment threshold that obligates a family to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes.  These tax withholdings are reported annually on a W-2.  This threshold will increase to $2,600 for 2023.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Why Paying Your Household Employee Under the Table is a Bad Idea

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 12/6/22 11:00 AM

Hiring a household employee to work in your home is a big decision. It requires carefully selecting someone not only that you trust, but that fits your family’s needs. Once you’ve found the right person, it’s common to have questions about your responsibilities as a household employer.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Holiday Book List

Posted by Ms. Nanny Monique Dupree on 11/29/22 11:00 AM
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Topics: nanny, agency

What You Need To Know About Year-End Bonuses

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 11/22/22 11:24 AM

The end of 2022 is right around the corner. This is a popular time for household employers to recognize their employees with a holiday bonus. A bonus is a great way to show your appreciation for a job well done and shows your employees that you are grateful for their dedication.

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Topics: senior care, nanny, agency, senior, CPA

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