Every Human Resources Department knows the importance of having an Annual Performance Review for all employees. A performance review can be done at any time of the year, and preferably is completed at least once every year.
Every Human Resources Department knows the importance of having an Annual Performance Review for all employees. A performance review can be done at any time of the year, and preferably is completed at least once every year.
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny work agreement, nanny job description
Welcome to the social media era, where our friends are called "contacts", our thoughts "comments" and experiences "posts" …
Topics: nanny employment practices, time tracking, nanny
Going on vacation? Visiting the family? If you are ready to hit the road with your child and you are taking you nanny with you, allow us to share these helpful tips to avoid any misunderstanding, uncomfortable situations and make your trip a complete success!
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny, nanny payroll, nanny job description
Many people hear the words "nanny confidentiality agreement" and think this is something Brad and Angelina need - not their family!
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny work agreement, nanny contract
Through the year, there are some special days, created to remind us of the importance of those special people that make a difference in our lives. We are now approaching the National Nanny Recognition Week (September 23rd through 29th).
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny, nanny bonus
Most nannies and their employers work and are paid on a set weekly schedule; however, from time to time the family will require additional hours from their nanny. Legally, nannies are entitled to additional compensation for additional hours worked, and live out nannies, at a minimum, are entitled to the overtime differential (1.5 times the hourly rate) for hours worked over 40 in a work week. *
Topics: nanny employment practices, domestic employer legal responsibilities, nanny overtime
Guest blogger Bonnie Low-Kramen is the author the book, Be the Ultimate Assistant, A celebrity assistant’s secrets to working with any high powered employer. Bonnie is the former assistant to celebrity couple Olympia Dukakis and Louis Zorich. Bonnie is now teaching workshops for Personal Assistants in major U.S. cities. Visit www.bonnielowkramen.com for more details.
Topics: nanny employment practices, domestic employer legal responsibilities
We recently posted some advice on how to choose a quality nanny referral agency. We work with agency partners nationwide to help their clients and referred private service professionals alike understand the mechanics of household payroll. Nannies from the Heartland Inc. is a well respected household staffing agency in Minneapolis, MN. Becky Kavanagh, an experienced placement counselor (with 22 years of nanny experience!) shares some of her thoughts on how parents can stay connected to their child's day.
Topics: nanny share, nanny employment practices, nanny employee, nanny work agreement, nanny training
If you employ a nanny, chances are strong at some point you will need to let the nanny go. There are myriad reasons a family fires a nanny. The children grow up and your beloved family nanny is no longer needed. Perhaps the nanny has horrible work habits - always late or a frequent 'no show.' Your family and the nanny simply may not 'click.' The nanny who was a wonderful nurturer of your infant does not have the energy to deal with your demanding toddler. Whatever the reason, firing a nanny can be an uncomfortable experience for both family and nanny.
Below are some tips and best practices when letting the nanny go.
Topics: nanny employment practices, nanny tax compliance, nanny employment termination
We have recently been discussing the increased popularity of nanny sharing - two families hiring one nanny to care for both children. Today we will explore the top three Sticky wickets in a nanny share arrangement.
Topics: nanny share, nanny employment practices, nanny work agreement