Topics: elder care, employment authorization, workers compensation household employees, Hiring Elder care
Navigating the roadmap of senior home care can be challenging, and the everchanging laws make it even more overwhelming. We are receiving an increasing number of emails regarding the so-called "Nanny Tax," and other concerns surrounding private household employment of senior home caregivers. In response to these questions, we decided to address the top three Elder Care FAQ’s
Topics: elder care, eldercare, household employee, nanny tax, Hiring Elder care, senior home care
In a triumphant win for labor unions and worker advocacy groups, the Obama administration made sweeping reform in mandating that home health workers, personal care aides and certified nursing assistants who provide care to the elderly be paid minimum wage and overtime. While it may affect the bottom line for families of aging relatives, over half of senior care givers were living at or below the poverty line.
Topics: elder care, aging parents, Alzheimer's, obamacare, home health workers, legal employees, documented employees, caregiver, Hiring Elder care
Usually around this time of year we start getting worried phone calls from families confused by the household employee taxes or the "nanny taxes." We pulled together some more of the frequently asked questions our tax experts are getting in time for April 15th.
Topics: elder care, eldercare, household employee taxes, senior care, 1099 v w-2, senior home-care workers
Let’s face it: sitting your aging parents down to talk about their finances is about as comfortable as talking to them about sex (eons ago, they probably felt the same way you do right now!) But just as it was back then, the conversation- though difficult- is imperative to your future decision making.
Topics: elder care, aging in place, eldercare, senior care, hiring care for seniors, senior home care
In an inspiring and forward-thinking section of the New York Times on innovations in retirement, an article on innovative solutions to senior living offered news on several fronts. While most readers will be familiar with the existing alternatives such as in-home senior care, assisted living and independent senior living options, the article features new ideas that will certainly gain more traction as the baby boomer population ages. Often referred to as "aging in place," here are some examples highlighted in the article:
Topics: elder care, aging in place, eldercare, household employee taxes, nanny background screening
Recently, Dr. Judith L. London published a book of 54 stories detailing the challenging and sometimes heroic lives of caregivers of Alzheimer's sufferers. And it's no wonder Dr. London found it compelling to collect a these stories in one place: in a study conducted by Stanford University and the Alzheimer's Association, more than 15 million people provide unpaid care for family members, or even friends, who suffer from the disease.
Topics: elder care, Alzheimer's, senior care
Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, overtime rules, household payroll tax, hiring care for seniors
There are more than 2 million senior caregivers working in private homes to help our aging loved ones to 'age in place.' These caregivers are employees. They are either employed by the home health agency who hires, schedules and pays the senior caregiver, OR they are the employee of the senior or their family who pay the caregiver directly.
Topics: elder care, payroll, senior care
Although the Holiday Season is usually filled with excitement and celebrations, for some in their “golden” years, this can be one of the toughest times of the year. The stress that comes with taking part in these special celebrations can be overwhelming for some. Many people, regardless of age, can experience feelings of sadness, disappointment and depression this time of year which is often referred to as the “Holiday Blues”. This can be due to the extra stress that results when preparing for all of the fun holiday festivities, while still juggling all of the day to day of our busy lives.
Some seniors experience the “Holiday Blues” more intensely, while others are not affected at all ... Life experience brings many changes with it, and our senior family members often reach a point in their lives when it becomes more difficult to adapt to change. During the Holidays, in particular, some reminisce about better times and the absence of their loved ones. Some of their spouses or closest friends might even have already passed, and their grown up children have busy lives of their own now …
Topics: elder care, senior safety, senior care, holiday