Nannies, housekeepers, elder caregivers, and most house managers are considered Hourly, Non-Exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This means that most are covered under both minimum wage and overtime laws. Accurate and contemporaneous time tracking and records maintenance is a legal obligation!
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time tracking,
nanny hourly wage,
domestic employer legal responsibilities
Did you know that every paycheck's net or take home calculation will change in 2013? Calculate your nanny paycheck deductions before you issue any 2013 payroll.
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nanny payroll tax,
calculate nanny payroll tax,
nanny tax calculator,
nanny social security tax rate
Nannies are employees of the families they work for. They are not independent contractors, whether the family or nanny wants to be or not.
Families sometimes try to completely side step their employment tax obligations by giving the nanny a 1099 form at year end. In so doing, they avoid paying their share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, as well as unemployment taxes, and they push their tax obligations on to the nanny. This path allows the family the benefit of child care tax credits without the corresponding expense of paying their portion of the employment taxes.
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nanny w-2 form,
domestic employer legal responsibilities,
nanny independent contractor,
household independent contractor
New York State Law requires all private employers to provide written notice to employees of their rate(s) of pay and designated pay day on an annual basis. Notice must be provided between January 1 and February 2 2013. NYS' FAQ on the Wage Theft Prevention Act specifically states that an employer may not choose another time of the year to provide the notice!
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nanny payroll,
domestic workers bill of rights,
calculate nanny payroll tax,
nanny employee,
household payroll tax,
new york household employment,
nanny work agreement
Clients from time to will ask us for assistance helping their departing nanny locate a new position. Many post "Nanny Available" advertisements on neighborhood list servs and bulletin boards. We recently came across the following example and wanted to share. Names have been changed!
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nanny reference check
HomeWork Solutions is teamed with National Crime Search (NCS) to offer true, credible pre-employment background screening for families directly hiring household workers such as nannies, housekeepers, and home care workers.
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household employee background check,
nanny background screening
Household employees - nannies, maids and housekeepers - and the families that employ them often don't understand how payroll tax, labor law, and the unemployment insurance system apply to this particular employment situation.
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domestic employer legal responsibilities,
nanny non-exempt employee,
nanny overtime
In the household staffing arena, it is very common for families to express their appreciation for valued service with an end of year monetary bonus. Household employers often have the following questions:
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nanny payroll,
nanny bonus,
nanny wage
The IRS an increase to the standard mileage reimbursement rate to take effect January 1st, 2013. The new rate increased from 55.5¢ (2012) to 56.5¢. For compliant household employers preparing to give their nannies a W-2 this tax season, this is imperative information.
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nanny expense reimbursement,
household employee expense reimbursement,
nanny payroll,
nanny mileage reimbursement