Inclement weather, train derailments, flight delays- these are all potential situations that could keep a person from their child or elderly relative. But other emergency situations exist- your charge could develop a high fever, knock a pot of boiling water from the stove, develop an allergic reaction that prevents them from breathing - that requires a nanny or senior caregiver to react quickly and make the right choice in getting medical attention.
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senior caregivers,
emergency plans
In 2014, the Household Employee Wage threshold increased to $1900. This means that any household employee- such as a nanny, housekeeper or elder care worker- earning $1900 or more per year requires their employer to pay what is commonly referred to as the "nanny tax."
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household employee,
household employer,
household payroll
One of the first decisions you must make when considering a nanny for your family is whether you want a nanny who lives in or one that comes in daily. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of hiring a live-in nanny.
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live-in nanny
Many families pay their household workers directly and subscribe to a service such as HomeWork Solutions' Essential Payroll to prepare necessary quarterly and end of year tax documents. We are often asked about whether pay stubs are necessary.
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nanny payroll,
calculate nanny payroll tax,
domestic employer legal responsibilities,
nanny tax calculator,
household paycheck calculator
HomeWorks Solutions is a proud member and supporter of the International Nanny Association - the industry umbrella professional association promoting excellence in in-home care. We have attended every annual conference since 1993, and this year's educational line up for nannies and business members is the best we have ever seen.
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International Nanny Association,
INA conference,
nanny agency,
nanny agencies,
Dr. Harvey Karp,
Dr. Jenn Berman
Don’t be stuck in fear ! We are here to help you!
I have told many of our clients that they are not the first person that we have helped when they were behind on their nanny taxes. I tell them that because it’s true!
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household employee taxes,
nanny payroll tax,
nanny tax,
nanny taxes
Tax season is in full swing, and Americans are preparing to file their annual income tax returns. If you are a household employer - you employ a nanny, housekeeper or senior caregiver - you will find conflicting advice on how to handle the "nanny taxes."
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household employee,
worker misclassification,
independent contractor,
nanny tax,
nanny taxes,
1099 v w-2
Q. I am a G-4 visa holder. I do not pay US Income Taxes. Am I required to file anything at year end?
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While mileage reimbursement and commuter transit benefits are scheduled to decrease January 1, 2014, other nanny tax numbers will increase.
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nanny tax,
domestic workers bill of rights,
nanny mileage reimbursement