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Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights Movement Gains Traction Nationwide

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/22/13 12:08 PM
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Efforts at the state level to write and pass legislation to increase the legal rights and protections of domestic service workers - nannies, elder caregivers, housekeepers and others - have increased dramatically in recent months.

domestic workers bill of rightsCalifornia, Oregon, Illinois, and Hawaii all have bills pending today and supporters in Ohio, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Georgia have announced they will be putting bills forward in these states as well this year.

New York passed a Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights in 2010. [Free Download - NY Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights]

HomeWork Solutions has prepared a quick comparison of the various Domestic Workers' bills, along with the bill number and status.

As some or all of these proposals become law, it is clear that families will need the education and support of professionals - payroll professionals like HomeWork Solutions and agency professionals such as International Nanny Association agency members - to clearly navigate these rules with well written work agreements and compensation agreements.


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Many families and nannies are surprised to know that household employees already enjoy many labor protections under current law. Curious about how things stand today? Download our free tip sheet Household Employees and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

What are your thoughts? What do you like? What worries you?

2017 Update: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York and Oregon all have enacted Domestic Worker Bill of Rights legislation.

Topics: domestic workers bill of rights

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