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Co-parenting with a Nanny/Nanny Share for divorced parents

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/11/23 11:11 AM

Divorce is challenging for everybody involved, but it can be especially difficult for kids. After the papers are signed and parents move out of the same living space, establishing a plan for childcare can get complicated. Keeping the kids and their feelings at the front and center should be the priority during this transition. No matter how young or old they are, a divorce can feel like a loss to them. Co-parenting will take some flexibility and patience, but there are some ways to make things easier. Here’s some tips to keep in mind:  

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Topics: nanny, agency

Nanny Share: How to Make It Work for Your Family

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/9/23 1:04 PM


If hiring a full-time nanny is not in your budget, a nanny share can be a great solution. Nanny shares are commonly used for working families in need  of reliable childcare but looking to keep the costs down.

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Topics: nanny share, nanny, agency, child care

Payroll Recordkeeping Requirements for Employers

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 7/5/23 1:45 AM

Like all employers, household employers are required to keep specific payroll records for their employees. In addition to initial hire documents, such as W-4s and I-9 paperwork, there are ongoing records that you should keep as well.

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Topics: senior care, nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Divorce or Separation: How to Claim a Child as a Dependent on Taxes

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/20/23 10:45 AM

Parents working through a divorce have a lot to consider – custody arrangements, sharing child related costs, and even taxes. Parents will need to consider the specific rules that surround claiming a child for tax purposes. Doing so will help make filing taxes easier and will ensure there are no mistakes that cause fines, fees, or processing delays.

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Topics: nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Minimum Wage Increases Coming in July 2023

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/13/23 3:52 PM

Minimum wage will be increasing in many states and cities across the country.  As longtime advocates for fair and legal pay, we believe this is long overdue!  Domestic employees deserve a living wage that fairly compensates them for the invaluable work they do to keep our household running.

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Topics: senior care, nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Are Your Nanny or Caregiver’s Wages Considered a Business Expense?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/13/23 10:45 AM

If you are working on growing your small business and you hire a nanny to help care for your children, or a caregiver to assist an aging parent, you might wonder if you can pay their wages through your business. Unfortunately, this is generally not allowed. According to the IRS, your household employee's wages are not considered a business expense.

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Topics: senior care, nanny, agency, senior, CPA

Case Study: Senior Caregiver Injured on the Job

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/10/23 10:45 AM

Claire is a senior caregiver that severely twisted her ankle while going down the stairs on the job. She went to urgent care and was told she had a serious sprain and needed time to heal. She would need to stay off her feet as much as possible for the next three weeks. The clerk at the doctor’s office explained that she should file a worker’s compensation claim to ensure the urgent care bills were paid. Claire also learned workers compensation insurance policies also generally cover payments made to employees for lost wages while they are out of work.

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Topics: nanny workers compensation insurance, senior care, workers compensation household employees, agency, senior, CPA

Resume Building: Tips on Crafting a Standout Nanny Resume

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 6/8/23 1:11 PM

The pandemic, the great resignation, and now talk of a recession.  The job market has been anything but predictable as of late. If you are thinking of changing jobs, or are concerned about the stability of your employment, having an updated resume on hand is a good idea. Crafting a resume that stands out can give you a leg up to land the nanny job that is perfect for your skills and expertise.

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Topics: senior caregivers, nanny, agency

What is the ABC Test?

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 5/3/23 9:34 AM

The ABC test is commonly used to determine whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor. The test looks closely at three specific criteria to make the distinction.

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The Dangers of Underreporting Wages

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 4/13/23 2:24 PM

If you have recently hired a new employee to work in your home, it’s important to get their payroll details lined up immediately. Deciding to pay them partially off the books to save on taxes, but partially on record to contribute to their work history, is illegal and you’ll only create a headache for yourself later when the full picture comes to light. Here, we’ll explain why.

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Topics: senior caregivers, senior care, nanny, senior

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