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Nanny Contracts Required in Montgomery County MD

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 1/12/09 1:25 PM
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Montgomery_County_MD_Nanny_Contract.pngMontgomery County MD passed legislation requiring that domestic workers (nannies, housekeepers, maids, companions) be provided a written employment agreement effective January 18, 2009.

In a nut shell, the terms and conditions of employment must either be spelled out in writing and signed by both the employer and employee, or the employee must sign a disclosure statement that states she was offered an employment agreement and declined to enter into it.

HomeWork Solutions has received advance copies of both the model contract and the disclosure statement through the diligent efforts of one of our clients (thank you D.K.). The documents are linked below.

HomeWork Solutions invites you to download our advice on writing a nanny work agreement or contract. This will include a link to a PDF sample nanny contract.

Send Me Nanny Work Agreement Advice

These work agreements are legally enforceable. Clients with questions about the documents are advised to obtain appropriate legal advice. HomeWork Solutions' staff members do not and cannot provide specific legal advice on the Montgomery County legislation or documents. As always, we recommend you consult a qualified attorney with any questions.

It will be interesting to see whether Montgomery County provides these documents in Spanish also? HomeWork Solutions has several Spanish language resources available at its website.

2015 Update

Montgomery County's Paid Sick Leave Law Applies to Household Employers


Topics: nanny contract

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