HomeWork Solutions recommends the following best practices:
- Both families should interview potential nannies together if possible. If Family A already has a nanny and family and nanny mutually decide a share is in their best interests, Family B should have an opportunity to independently interview both Family A and the nanny. Don't forget the all important reference checks and criminal background check.
- Write down the details. This should be a three way document between both families and the nanny and it should detail the possible issues above - hours, wages, benefits, taxes, sick care policies, vacation, nanny sick days and the notice provision for ending the share by either party.
- Have periodic meetings. Issues large and small that you never anticipated will come up and having a regularly scheduled meeting time (once monthly is usually sufficient) gives you the opportunity to bring up any concerns.
- Deal fairly with expenses. Each family needs to supply it's own diapers, wipes, and baby food. When the children graduate to table food, the non-host family should make a meaningful contribution to the hosting family's pantry. Consider extra car seats, pack and play for napping, or tandem strollers.
Nanny sharing offers very personalized, home-base child care and reduces the per family expense for childcare. Many families find that the nanny share is the answer to managing their infant care expenses.