This is a question that more and more household workers are asking as they face retirement. For workers who have been paid “off the books” – and that includes a large percentage of household employees – there is no easy answer.
This is a question that more and more household workers are asking as they face retirement. For workers who have been paid “off the books” – and that includes a large percentage of household employees – there is no easy answer.
Nannies and senior caregivers are hired to help keep loved ones safe and well cared for. Recently a Texas nanny that the hiring family thought was well screened was arrested and charged with child endangerment after the mom returned home and found the nanny drunk and passed out and her 20 month old free to roam the home. Turns out the nanny has quite a history of prior offenses, none of which were found because of the type of 'background check' run. Stories like these make families wonder how they can better screen their caregivers.
Topics: caregiver background screening, nanny background screening
President Obama and congressional leaders in both parties have re-energized the debate on proposed immigration reform in the last several weeks. A "pathway to citizenship" for undocumented aliens currently residing in the US is a key element of the debate.
Topics: nanny undocumented, household payroll tax, payroll tax enforcement
20 years ago HomeWork Solutions was founded dreaming of creating a service business to help busy families deal with household payroll tax compliance. The failed Zoë Baird cabinet nomination provided the inspiration and belief that many smart, successful families not only wanted, but needed help in this labyrinthine area of tax and employment law.
Topics: nanny payroll, nanny tax, nanny tax compliance
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, passed by Congress this January 1, included some substantial good news for employees whose employers supplement their public transportation expense.
Topics: housekeeper, maid, nanny benefits
Q. We have a regular babysitter. Most weeks she watches the children 3 afternoons/evenings a week, just until I get home from work, so my wife can attend classes. We only pay her $200 a week. I have heard about "nanny taxes" but since she is not full time or a real nanny, that doesn't apply to me, right?
Topics: elder care, senior caregivers, babysitter nanny tax, housekeeper, cleaning lady, maid, summer nanny, companionship services, household payroll tax
Nannies, housekeepers, elder caregivers, and most house managers are considered Hourly, Non-Exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This means that most are covered under both minimum wage and overtime laws. Accurate and contemporaneous time tracking and records maintenance is a legal obligation!
Topics: time tracking, nanny hourly wage, domestic employer legal responsibilities
Did you know that every paycheck's net or take home calculation will change in 2013? Calculate your nanny paycheck deductions before you issue any 2013 payroll.
Topics: nanny payroll tax, calculate nanny payroll tax, nanny tax calculator, nanny social security tax rate
Topics: nanny payroll tax, calculate nanny payroll tax, household payroll tax, nanny tax calculator, nanny social security tax rate, household paycheck calculator
Household employees - nannies, maids and housekeepers - and the families that employ them often don't understand how payroll tax, labor law, and the unemployment insurance system apply to this particular employment situation.
Topics: domestic employer legal responsibilities, nanny non-exempt employee, nanny overtime