Families go to considerable effort to locate and hire the best, most experienced nanny they can find and afford to provide personalized childcare in their home. Whether they recruit with the help of a nanny referral agency, place a "help wanted" advert on a nanny job matching site, or network with other families in their community, finding that perfect match and simplifying their family dynamics is their goal.
Unfortunately, families all too often self-sabotage and their nanny quits, leaving them to start the whole process again. What went wrong they wonder? How can they avoid a repeat of the same scenario?
A recent article in the popular blog My Girl Friday (a North Carolina Nanny Referral Agency) sheds light on the behaviors of the family that can cause the nanny to eventually throw their hands up and walk out. The observations in the article mirror those that HWS has articulated for years in its popular tip sheet Why Nannies Quit (free download).
Whether it be different discipline rules from parents to nanny, undermining the nanny's authority with your children, to unrealistic schedules and "can you work late tonight so DH and I can go out to eat?" requests at the tail end of a 10 - 12 hour day, to micromanagement, the stories nannies tell are remarkably consistent.
If you want to know the top 10 reasons a nanny will quit a job, and how to avoid this, we encourage you to download our Why Nannies Quit tip sheet. You want consistent childcare - your children thrive this way, and your life runs so much smoother. Learn from others so you don't unwitingly make the same mistakes.