The summer has been packed with fun activities, but before you know it, you’ll have to start thinking about heading back to school and all that comes with being prepared for that. If you’re busy and you’re looking for ways to get your nanny more involved with the back to school preparation, here are some great ways that you can have her help.
#1: Complete the summer reading list.
One of the greatest parts about summer is tackling the summer reading list and having the kids work there way through a list. The last few weeks of summer are the perfect time to finish the last couple of books on the list, or work on assembling a list to turn in to your local library for a prize. Have your nanny work through the list with the children each day, which is not only fun, but it helps get them back in to the groove of daily reading for school time.
TIP: Have your nanny read the same books as your children so they can have discussions about the characters, plots, etc. Mom and Dad can participate too, it makes great dinner conversation!
#2: Encourage educational activities.
Math and reading activities and games are a great way to get your kids engaged in fun with your nanny. Not to mention, it helps get their brains prepared for school learning and homework! Encourage your nanny to do some research online for some fun, free educational activities or give her a budget to order a few things online to work on with the children.
#3: Go back to school shopping.
This is one of those to-do items that happens every year and it takes time! Finding the school supply list for each class and taking the kids shopping could take an afternoon, or longer! If time doesn’t allow in your schedule for this, have your nanny take the task on. If you need to go shopping for school clothes, your nanny could also help with this. Helping plan school year wardrobes or help them purchase the supplies for the school year entirety can be a fun way for your nanny to bond with your kids. As summer ends, boredom often sets in and both your nanny and child will enjoy the change of pace tracking down the right pens, note books and other supply list items offers them.
#4: Help meal plan.
Once school starts, things will likely get more chaotic than they were in the summer. Have your nanny think of some meal plans and ideas for use during the first few weeks of school, when things are most hectic. Meal planning can not only save time, but it can also save money because there will be less grocery store trips and unexpected impulse buys.
Outsourcing some of these items to your nanny can be incredibly helpful for you, helping with alleviating some of the day to day stress that you have. More ideas? Share them below!