The Importance of Household Employer Workers Compensation Insurance
There’s no doubt about it: privately employing a senior caregiver comes with its own set of logistical challenges. In addition to payroll and taxes, the ins and outs of worker’s compensation and benefits can be overwhelming for seniors and the family members coordinating their care. If you don’t understand your legal obligations as a household employer, things can get messy. Consider this case study of a senior caregiver that was injured on the job.
Molly is a senior caregiver that suffered scalding burns to her arm and wrist when attempting to drain a pot of boiling pasta. She went to the emergency room and was told she had second degree burns. She was told she needed time to heal and would not be unable to work for the next three weeks. When Molly went to the hospital for care, the admissions clerk advised that since she was hurt while working, a worker’s compensation claim needed to be filed to pay for the hospital bills. Molly also learned she could receive payments while she isn’t able to work to help replace her lost income.
The Solution
The family that Molly works for engaged HWS for payroll services and when they signed up for service, they purchased a Worker’s Compensation Insurance Policy through the company’s insurance partner. After Molly’s injury, the employer contacted the HWS insurance partner and the staff coordinated with Molly to file and process the claim. Molly was given a claim number, which was added to her hospital records. The hospital visit, prescriptions, and follow-up care totaled more than $2,000 and everything was covered under the worker’s compensation policy. The caregiver also received $600 a week in replacement income while she was unable to work.
As an employer, you know that working with HWS can save significant time and hassle in your payroll and tax compliance. In addition, HWS guides employers in other employment matters. Workers Compensation Insurance for a household employee can be difficult to find, but priceless when needed. A simple mistake could yield unexpected costs or delays. So, when you hire a household employee, plan to also work with a household payroll specialist from the beginning. Contact us today for information!