You live an active lifestyle and sometimes weather emergencies throw you for a loop. No one likes to be inconvenienced and when it comes to weather issues, it can be stressful and frustrating – especially if it means that your nanny or caregiver cannot come to work. Whether it’s a tropical storm or a pileup of snow overnight, if you plan ahead for weather emergencies, you can minimize the headache. Here are some tips that can help.
#1: Have a backup care plan in place.
What is your plan B? Have a weather emergency plan in place in case your nanny or caregiver cannot make it safely to work. What family members might be able to help? Are there any other friends, neighbors, or another nanny or caregiver that could step in for temporary care for your child or loved one? Be sure to communicate with your secondary point person ahead of time if possible, to give them a heads up and make sure they are available.
#2: Make sure you have an agreed upon plan with your nanny and caregiver before the emergency.
Make sure your nanny or caregiver knows what your secondary option is, well in advance, and keep your deal. If your state has declared an emergency or if school districts around the area are closing, perhaps use this as an indicator that your household employee does not need to come in during those days. In addition, discuss payment. Will the caregiver need to use PTO for these days? Will it be a non-payment situation? Or will you pay the person even if they cannot make it into work? Generally a nanny is paid if the agreed trigger (school closure, local government closure or flexible work day, state of emergency, etc.) occurs, and if she cannot make it when the trigger is not met, she will be expected to use PTO or go without pay if no PTO is available.
Discuss these details and put them in writing. Always make sure you communicate clearly about what your expectations are for severe weather preparation so there is no confusion or upset during an already hectic time.
Keep in mind that when weather emergencies arise, your regular routine will likely need to be adjusted – especially if your nanny or caregiver cannot make it to your home for an extended period of time. Be flexible and have a plan in place before things happen, so you can be ready to tackle the situation with ease and with grace.