Your relationship with your nanny is strained and you come home on Friday and she tells you she is done. Or you open an email or text on Saturday to the news your nanny quit. Things are going well, but your nanny gives you two weeks notice that she is moving to a new job. Whether it is on good terms or bad, there are things a family MUST know and address when the nanny leaves.
1. Final Nanny Paycheck
Whether you are happy, sad, or just shocked, you need to address your nanny's final payroll. You must pay her for all unpaid hours up until the date of separation. State law dictates how quickly you must pay the nanny upon separation, and it is often a shorter time window when you fire the nanny vs. when your nanny quits. HWS clients, contact our office to discuss, we are happy to assist. If you must make an immediate payment, we can do the calculations and advise you of the net check amount.
2. Return of Family Property
Your nanny often has keys to your house, car seats or strollers that are yours, and quite possibly a debit or credit card provided for family purchases. These are your family's property, not the nanny's. Most nannies will return these items without hesitation; however, that is not always the case. You might suggest that you have the nanny's final paycheck available to pick up and arrange a time to exchange the items involved for the paycheck. NOTE: It is NEVER legal for the employer to withhold the final paycheck, whether family property has been returned or not.
3. Notification to Schools
Your nanny is generally on a pick up list at your child's preschool or elementary school. Do contact the office and advise that your nanny is no longer authorized to pick up your child. Follow up in writing, or via email.
4. Security
Today many of us have pass codes and apps that will open the locked home or garage. Do update these codes after the nanny leaves.
5. Notify Your Nanny Payroll Service
Many families working with HomeWork Solutions have standing instructions for HWS to pay the nanny the same amount every week. This is often overlooked when the nanny gives notice and is leaving amicably - other logistics including securing alternate childcare are top of mind.
DO let us know immediately so we can stop the payments. It is a best practice to pay a week in arrears so there is sufficient time to make this adjustment - however not all families follow this practice. Once payment has been processed to the employee, it is very difficult to get it back.
6. Nanny Unemployment Claim
Some nannies will file for unemployment after they quit. It is important that you watch for any correspondence from your state unemployment office. Quitting a job is not a valid reason to receive unemployment benefits unless the nanny can show good cause or constructive discharge. A response to their inquiry is often due immediately, and you must advise that the nanny voluntarily left the job - she quit! If you fail to respond, she will get benefits and these will be "charged" to your unemployment account.