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4 Common Fixes for a Nanny’s Rejected e-Filed Federal Tax Return

Posted by HomeWork Solutions on 1/27/15 8:00 AM
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4_common_fixes_for_your_nannys_returned_e_filed_tax_return1. A typographical error. 

So, a name was spelled incorrectly or you listed the social security number out of order. Frustrating, but very easily fixed. Your rejected tax filing can be corrected and resubmitted. 

2. EIN not found.

The EIN - the employer's IRS identification number - on the nanny’s W-2 was not found. If the EIN was issued within 180 days of the tax filing, your best bet may be to opt for paper filing. It’s likely that the IRS databases are simply not up to date. We have been told this is a fraud prevention tactic of the IRS too to prevent fraudulent refund requests on new (faux) EINs.

3. SSN or ITIN not found.

The nanny’s SSN or ITIN was not found, and so the tax return was rejected. Paper filing may be your best option if this is the first year that the nanny has filed a tax return. Typically this happens on a first tax filing or a nanny who has not filed tax returns in several previous years.

4. Nanny’s name has changed.

A mismatch between the nanny’s name on the tax return and on the IRS records can result in your tax return being rejected. To fix this issue, visit the Social Security Administration office, complete the SSA Form SS-5 and produce original or certified documents attesting the name change.

Our friends at TurboTax have a helpful video on this subject.

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Topics: nanny w-2 form, nanny income tax

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