Marta Perrone is the author of "Help! How to Find Hire Train & Maintain Household Help!" and owner of Domestic Connections Agency. Ms. Perrone has 20 plus years of experience in domestic placement. She offers nannies and housekeepers the following advice critical to their success in the domestic service industry.
For the last several years, economic times have been a bit strange and job opportunities working as a household worker have seen better days. This brings to mind how important it is for Housekeepers & Nannies to find ways to maintain their jobs by forming a good relationship with employers. Often domestics lose their jobs by simply crossing boundaries. Here are some examples:

- Expressing unnecessary personal, religious, and political views and choices. These are subjects that should be kept private. It is also advisable to not be over-bearing on your personal choices in for example child-rearing. If a mother chooses to "not breastfeed", this is a personal decision and completely up to the mother. Showing disdain to the mother will only make her feel bad and uncomfortable with her decision. There is a fine line between making a suggestion and forming an opinion.
- Gossiping about the family's lifestyle to others. What your employer does in the house is private and should remain there. Telling others of your perception or observation, whether it is true or false is harmful and disrespectful. Confidentiality is very important.
- Taking advantage in any regard but especially as it relates to time and responsibilities. If you are entrusted with a list of duties that you agree to perform for the salary provided, it is your job to fulfill every duty to the best of your ability and to arrive on time and work the hours agreed to. Granted, employers are also known to take advantage by not fulfilling their end of the bargain, which is why employment agreements are recommended.
- Forgetfulness and Lack of Attention to Details - It is not easy to remember everything that you must do, but that is why man invented "paper and pen" so that you could utilize both to record anything and everything necessary. I recommend that all employees form a "household working manual" describing everything that is required by the employer. This can be something that is updated on a regular basis. You can review this daily, weekly and even monthly as needed to stay on top of your job.
- Continually Improving Your Skills. There are many classes, workshops and books available to you so that you are constantly advancing your skill-set within your career. By doing so, you are not only bettering yourself, but showing your employer that you take your profession seriously.
- Schedule Review Sessions - It is mandatory that problems and issues do not fester between the employer and employee. Decide on how often it is best for you to sit down together and discuss anything that might be of concern. This is a great time to get a performance evaluation to ensure that everyone is happy.
Strive to maintain a level of professionalism in every aspect of your work.