Household Employment Blog | Nanny Tax Information

Nanny Recommended Board Books

Written by HomeWork Solutions | 1/8/15 8:42 PM

The holidays are over, special events and gatherings are behind you, and many nannies face many weeks of winter. Outdoor play can be reduced – or ruled out entirely – due to weather.

When your little one has had all the tummy time she can handle,  and you are ready for some snuggle time with a good book, which board books do professional nannies turn to?

Recently, on the HomeWork Solutions’ Facebook page, we asked nannies to share their all time favorite board books. These are books that provide endless entertainment and engagement, no matter how many times you have to read them to your child. The following are a list of infant “Board Books” that are recommended by nannies to other nannies.

The Top Ten Nanny Recommended Board Books

Good Night, Gorilla

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Barnyard Dance! (Boynton on Board)

Moo Baa La La La

Little Blue Truck Board Book

Big Red Barn

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Chicka Chicka Book, A)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Jamberry But Not the Hippopotamus (Boynton on Board)

Honorable Mention in Infant Board Books

Goodnight Moon

We're Going on a Bear Hunt (Classic Board Books)

Snuggle Puppy (Boynton on Board)

Hippos Go Berserk!

Pajama Time! (Boynton on Board)

Please feel free to share YOUR favorite infant board books in comments below!

Other Resources

Tips for Sharing Books with Infants and Toddlers

25+ Activities for Infants