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In-Home Care or Assisted Living: Which One is Right for Your Loved One?

Written by HomeWork Solutions | 2/16/21 5:15 PM

Seeing your parents age is never an easy process. Mobility and independence may start to decrease and decisions on who will help take care of them will need to be made. Assisted living and in-home care are two of the main possibilities, and many times in-home care is the most desirable choice. There may be cost advantages, and you can get the personalized attention your parents may need in a location that keeps them comfortable.

If you are considering your options, here are some details to keep in mind. 

#1: In-Home Care Offers Options That Assisted Living Centers Can’t.
Hiring an experienced adult caregiver to work with your loved one in their home means they’ll be getting the personalized, attentive care they deserve. A caregiver will be spending a significant amount of time with your family member. That means they’ll be able to keep watch for changes in their health which could turn into something more serious down the road. Some caregivers are certified to help organize and administer medications, so your loved one always gets them accurately and on time. This type of care is not always available in assisted living centers and if they are, it often costs more money to provide them.

#2: In-Home Care Helps Your Loved One Age in Place.
If you ask most senior citizens where they would be most comfortable, they’ll likely say at home. Moving an elderly loved one can be very stressful and difficult – not only physically but mentally, too. This is especially true if they have lived in the home for many years. It can trigger sadness, loss, and other emotions that are difficult to get over.

#3: In-Home Caregivers Can Sweat the Small Stuff.

Adult caregivers will be able to help with the daily activities and chores that are too difficult for mom or dad to complete and take up much of your time. Whether it’s basic cooking, grocery shopping, or cleaning, a compassionate caregiver will help attend to these things so your loved one stays secure and safe.

Once you hire one, be sure to put a written work agreement together. This ensures all job duties are outlined, in addition to all payroll and tax withholding information. Our team at HomeWork Solutions can help! From payroll, taxes, or other human resource paperwork, working with our team of specialists will give you the peace of mind you need to hire an in-home caregiver. Contact us today at 1-800-626-4829 or