Household Employment Blog | Nanny Tax Information

Honest Conversation about Nanny Compensation

Written by HomeWork Solutions | 12/14/16 3:51 PM

Psst! We have a secret for you. Pull your chair up, adjust your glasses, and start reading. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty – we have some secrets we want to share.

Here’s the first secret we want to share: your nanny wants to be compensated fairly!

We know that you know that, but let’s have a little heart-to-heart anyway. The truth is, your nanny probably loves kids – that’s why she is spending hours of her day with children – your kids. She knows how much your kids mean to you and she understands that having a nanny is one of the most expensive methods of childcare out there. She also knows that her role as a caregiver provides support to your family as a whole. Your kids deserve the best – that’s why you’ve interviewed and selected the perfect nanny to come into your home.

But, here’s another secret: your nanny deserves the best, too!

A competitive wage and benefit package is the perfect way to show that you appreciate her. Knowing your budget before you talk to her and communicating your rates clearly so she knows up front if this will work for her will make all the difference. When she discusses what her rates are, don’t try to compare them to a daycare’s rates – they simply are not the same! She is employed by you alone, not part of a group daycare situation with multiple clients, co-workers, supervisors on site, true meal and rest breaks, and likely benefits. She relies on the income from your family to support herself and her own family. Your nanny doesn’t want to be paid under the table and she doesn’t want to fight for overtime. She wants to be treated like a real employee and wants to follow federal laws.

And the other secret is out, too: A comprehensive nanny contract is an incredibly helpful part of hiring a nanny to be in your home. And guess what? We can help you with writing it? A well-written nanny contract can help alleviate issues beforehand by establishing duties, work hours, benefits, wages, pay schedules, and much more. More importantly, it can help protect you in the event of an unplanned event.

If you’ve never hired a nanny or written a nanny contract and are feeling confused by everything that you need to do, our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in the process and is happy to sit down and help you get it right. Contact us today for advice!

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